A tool written in C# used to help translators fix/sync their lang doc quickly and smoothly
This command will check if a Lang file has any unused resource key.
./LangFileCleaner.exe unused -r "[PROJ_ROOT]" -f "[LANG_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH]" -fu -v
: When passing this flag, program will return non-zero exit code if there are any unused keys detected in the Lang file.-v
: When passing this flag, console will write the DEBUG logs.
This command will first scan unused keys in the Lang file and comment them out, then it will write the new result to the destination.
./LangFileCleaner.exe repair -r "[PROJ_ROOT]" -f "[LANG_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH]" -o "[OUT_PATH]" -v
: When passing this flag, console will write the DEBUG logs.
This command will using the source file to sync all the missing resource into the target Lang file.
./LangFileCleaner.exe sync -s "[SOURCE_FILE_PATH]" -t "[TARGET_FILE_PATH]" -o "[OUT_PATH]" -v
: When passing this flag, console will write the DEBUG logs.