#Currently running discord bot
This project is the OGooseBot for Discord!
This is a purely private repo :)
Each file is here for its own reason with a name to match
cleardota - clears the OG Dota Liquipedia
gamecheckers - This is where the game scanning / clean up happens for the !nextdota / !nextcsgo / !nextvalo
lastgames - This is the clean up area for the !lastdota / !lastcsgo / !lastvalo happens
streamcollection - This is the collection of scripts for scanning for the streams for all the gamecheckers
translation - This is the code / clean up used for translations in servers
keep_alive - This is old cold used to keep the bot alive and is no longer used
main - This is the big piece of work, it hands the discord bot / incoming messages / date and time to verify certain aspects of the bot
tournamentcheckers - this is used for checking the next game in a tournament
reminders - the bot is able to give reminders to users set on a timer they assign - this is all done in main