Lua interpreter library for Arduino boards. Used official Lua sources from The library provides standard Lua C API, so you can learn more about Lua and its API here
To convert your Lua scripts just put them in "lua_scripts" folder and run Python script "". It will convert .lua files in headers. You can find converted scripts in "src/scripts" folder.
Simple C++ Arduino example:
#include <Arduino.h>
// Include library
#include <lua.hpp>
// Include script
#include <scripts/hello_world_lua.h>
// Function to be run from Lua
int luaprint_func(lua_State *L)
// Get amount of provided arguments
int n = lua_gettop(L);
if (n < 0)
lua_pushstring(L, "Not enough parameter.");
return lua_error(L);
// Get first string argument and print it
Serial.println(lua_tostring(L, 1));
return 0;
void setup()
// Open serial
// Create Lua state
lua_State *L = luaL_newstate();
if (L == NULL)
Serial.println("Cannot create Lua state: not enough memory.");
// Register custom println function
lua_register(L, "println", luaprint_func);
// Register standard Lua libraries
// Execute script
luaL_dostring(L, LuaScripts::hello_world_lua.content);
void loop() {
For an easier way to call lua script you may use this:; takes an argument specifying what to do with the Lua scripts. It can have one of four values:
- PlainText (Default) - Just remove duplicate spaces and comments;
- Compiled - Compile scripts to bytecode with Luac. Compiled scripts take up more space but take less time to start;
- Compressed - (Not implemented yet) - compressed plain text;
- CompiledAndCompressed - (Not implemented yet) - compressed bytecode.
Usage example:
py ./ Compiled
Tested on ESP32 WROOM DevKit v1 board with 240 MHz Core clock.
static double benchCalc(void)
double t = 8521.0234;
double s = sin(t) + 21000;
s = t * sqrt(s);
t = log(t);
double sum = t;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
sum += log(t);
return (t / s) + sum;
The analog functions were written in Lua and MicroPython using the standard math library.
Language | Time (us) | Function output |
C++ | 76 | 572.966329 |
Lua | 1940 | 572.9656 |
MicroPython | 13832 | 570.7628 |