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As part of the python program, we were responsible for carrying out the KDNA project. This is the official repository for the DO 2023-2026 python CLI backup project.

KDNA is a python application for automating and generating document backups on remote servers. The software works as follows :

First, the application is installed on a local machine by a user with rights to that machine. Once the software has been installed, users can initialize their configurations.

This configuration is made up of two parts:

  • Servers, which are the remote servers to which the user has access.
  • Backups, which are instantiated by the user and thus depend on a previously configured server.

Backups, thus created, target a directory or a file, which, on the remote server, will be saved at the root of the user's repository (the one selected during server configuration) on his /home directory in a kdna folder.

Backups can be automated to run recurrently according to their configuration, and are also encrypted by default for security reasons.

User installation


In order to run the project you will need an SSH key, with no passphrase. This will allow us to connect to the server.

Install the KDNA project

  • Option 1:

    Without cloning the project run the following line in your terminal :

    pip install -e "git+" 

    To create and initialize the kdna.conf file :

    kdna server init
  • Option 2:

    You can also install the KDNA project with the following lines :

    • Cloning the project

    git clone
    • Install excecutables

    After cloning the project, you must install all dependencies.

    cd KDNA
    pip install .

    To create and initialize the kdna.conf file :

    kdna server init

Common errors on installation

Run the tests

poetry run pytest

Build the documentation

sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs/source kdna/
sphinx-build -M html docs/source/ docs/build/

Package added by poetry

- click             # Parseur
- fabric            # SSH client
- pycryptodome      # Encrypt tool
- pylint            # Linter
- mypy              # Type checker
- pytest            # Test framework
- tox               # Test runner
- tox-gh-actions    # Tox github action
- sphinx            # Documentation generator
- sphinx-rtd-theme  # Read the docs theme
- sphinx-autoapi    # Auto documentation generator
- m2r2              # Markdown to reStructuredText converter
- pydocstyle        # Docstring style checker
- chardet           # Encoding detector

Once you've finished the installation, you should be able to create local server backups, as well as automatic backups.

In the following steps we will see how the project works.

Commands line

Here you can find all the command you need to manage the application.


Get the information you need to use each command

kdna <command> --help
kdna <command> <subcommand> --help


Managing a backup server

kdna server <command> [options] [arguments]
  • Init

    To initialise config file.

    kdna server init
  • Import

    To import server from .ssh/config file.

    kdna server ssh_import
  • Get status

    To get status of the server.

    kdna server status <alias>
    Argument Type Description Required
    String alias True
  • Add

    Adding a backup server.

    kdna server add -i <id_server> -ad <connection_label> -a <alias_server> -r <repo_backup> -p <port_server>


    kdna server add -i 1 -ad [email protected] -a alias -r /my/repository/backup/ -p 22


    Options Type Description Required
    -i String id_server True
    -ad String connection label True
    -a String alias True
    -r String backup repository True
    -p String port True
    -e Boolean encrypt False
  • Delete

    Remove a backup server

    kdna server delete -a <alias_server> -i <id_server>


    kdna server delete -i 1


    Options Type Description Required
    -i String id_server False
    -a String alias False

    Please note: Only one of the two options must be chosen.

  • Update

    Updating a server

    kdna server update <alias_server> -c <new_credentials> -p <new_port_server> -ad <new_address> -a <new_alias>


    kdna server update alias_server -c new_credentials


    Options Type Description Required
    String alias True
    -r String new_repo False
    -p String new_port_serveur False
    -ad String new_address False
    -a String new_alias False
    -e String encrypt False
  • List

    List backup servers:

    kdna server list <project_name>


    kdna server list project


    Options Type Description Required
    String project_name True


Manage regular backups

kdna auto-backup <command> [options] [arguments]
  • Creation

    Create a regular backup

    kdna auto-backup create -i <id_backup> -n <backup_name> -t <tag> <cron_schedule> <custom_schedule> -d <start_date> -s <id_server> -p <path_file/file_backup>


    kdna auto-backup create -i 1 -n backup -t tag -d 2021-01-01 -s 1 -p /home


    Options Type Description Required
    -i String id_backup True
    -n String backup_name True
    -t String tag True
    String cron_schedule True
    String custom_schedule False
    -d String start_date True
    -s String id_server True
    -p String path_backup True
  • Delete

    Delete a regular backup

    kdna auto-backup delete -i <id_backup>


    kdna auto-backup delete -i 1


    Options Type Description Required
    -i String id_server True
  • Update

    Update a regular backup

    kdna auto-backup update -i <id_backup> -t <tag> <tag_updated> cron_schedule <<custom_schedule>> -d <start_date> -p <path_backup>


    kdna auto-backup update -i 1 -d 2021-01-01 -p /home


    Options Type Description Required
    -i String id_backup True
    -t String tag & tag updated False
    String cron_schedule False
    String custom_schedule False
    -d String start_date False
    -p String path_backup False

    NOTE : you can't change the server id, as the backup is linked to it.

  • List

    List regular backups

    kdna auto-backup list


Managing manual backups

kdna backup <command> [options] [arguments]
  • Creation

    Create a backup

    kdna backup add <project_name> <local_path_backup> <tag> [--prefix <must_generate_an_unique_tag>]


    kdna backup add project /home v1


    kdna backup add project /home v1 --prefix true


    Options Type Description Required
    String project name True
    String path to backup True
    String tag name True
    Boolean must generate a unique tag ? false
  • Delete

    Delete a backup

    kdna backup delete -t <path:tag>


    kdna backup delete -t /home:tag


    Options Type Description Required
    -t String path:tag True
  • Restore

    Restore a backup

    kdna backup restore -t <name:tag> <path_backup>


    kdna backup restore -t backup:tag /home


    Options Type Description Required
    -t String name:tag True
    String path_backup False
  • List

    List backups

    kdna backup list


Backup encryption management

kdna encrypt <command> [options]
  • Generate

    Generate an encryption key

    kdna encrypt keygen <path>


    kdna encrypt keygen /home


    Options Type Description Required
    String path True
  • Activation

    Activate encryption

    kdna encrypt activate
  • Deactivation

    Deactivate encryption

    kdna encrypt deactivate


Manage tags

kdna tag <command> [options]
  • Creation

    Create a tag

    kdna tag add -t <tag> -p <project_name> -f <file>


    kdna tag -t tag -p project -f a_file


    Options Type Description Required
    -t String tag True
    -p String project True
    -f String file True
  • List

    List tags

    kdna tag list

kdna.conf file format

This file contains all the configuration that we want to use. It will be automatically created in ~/.kdna/kdna.conf if it is not present in the project. The file is structured with the following tags:


After adding servers/auto-backup, the knda.conf file will contain the following data in order:

id, address, path, port, alias, encrypted
id, frequency, name, timestamp, id_server, path


  • id: server ID
  • address: username@server address
  • path: path to the SSH key
  • port: port address
  • alias: server tag
  • encrypted: boolean indicating whether the backups for this server are encrypted


  • id: auto-backup ID
  • frequency: frequency of auto-backup
  • name: name of the auto-backup
  • timestamp: date of the last auto-backup
  • id_server: ID of the server linked to the auto-backup
  • path: local path of the auto-backup

Here's an example of what the file should look like:

S4, [email protected], /path, 5432, hello, true
B2, daily, fezf, 2022-09-02, S2, /home/backup
B3, daily, yes, 2021-09-02, S4, /home/backup
B4, monthly, okay, 2021-01-01, S4, /home/backup

Contributors installation

Follow the instructions for the user option 2 installation then you can follow here.

Install a virtual environment

In this project, we use the py venv virtual environment. Here is the official documentation :

Let's create the virtual environment by installing poetry.

apt install python3-poetry

The pipeline

The CI (Continuous Integration) will activate automatically each time a push or a pull request will append.

Inside the pipeline we have a job, named build, who will run on the matrix.platform. The platform will define the environnement where we are running the tests.

Here we are testing on three different platforms : [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest].

On three different versions : [3.10.11, 3.11.6, 3.12.0].

This brings us to a total of nine test environements (3x3).

Execution of the pipeline :

  1. - uses: actions/checkout@v1 : we retrieve the project code, the equivalent of doing a git clone.

  2. - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} : we set up python.

  3. - name: Install dependencies : we install all the poetry dependencies.

  4. - name: Test with tox : we run poetry with the tox testing, using this command : poetry run tox run-parallel.

Command to run the pipeline yourself :

poetry run tox run-parallel
#run the pipeline with a specific env
poetry run tox run-parallel -e (env)


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