For the Beep project, we need a VPS to host some services and the different environments of beep (staging, prod). The infrastructure would like to be as automated as possible. For start we will need to install a k3s cluster on a VPS after this the different services will be deployed on the cluster by CI/CD with terraform.
Access to the different services deployed on the VPS.
- : Status page for the beep project and the different services. (Uptime Kuma)
- : Registry for the different images of the beep project. (Harbor)
- : ArgoCD for the different environments of the beep project. (ArgoCD)
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt clean
sudo adduser do
sudo usermod -aG sudo do
sudo mkdir /home/do/.ssh
sudo nano /home/do/.ssh/authorized_keys # Add all do2023-26 keys
sudo chown -R do:do /home/do/.ssh
sudo chmod 700 /home/do/.ssh
sudo chmod 600 /home/do/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo deluser --remove-home ubuntu # Delete default user (ubuntu, debian, etc)
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Change PermitRootLogin (no), PasswordAuthentication (no), PubkeyAuthentication (yes)
curl -sfL | sh -
sudo k3s kubectl get nodes # Check if k3s is installed
sudo cat /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml