Foreman V2.0 - dev.13
Added Features
- Using right-click on a module selection in recipe editor will either fill the remaining module slots with the selected module or remove any modules of this type from the currently selected list (should help with those 40+ module slots in SE style beacons & Py)
- Added information in image export pertaining to the resultant file (in pixels)
- Added tooltip for when dragging a selection (showing the power consumption, number of recipe nodes, and number of buildings/beacons)
- Disconnected graphs in the same file will be solved separately (so if you have many disconnected graphs and change a recipe in one of them, only that graph will update, leading to much faster solver times)
- Help button added to the app that links to the git repository (and its readme file)
- Feature #17 : WASD keys can now be used to traverse the graph (holding down shift will move faster)
- Error handling added to preset loading (corrupt presets will no longer crash the application)
- Enabling all will now correctly enable all recipes
- Paste of key node status on non-selected node now copies key node status correctly
- Application title (preset name + graph file) now updates properly when changing preset
- Exporting an image no longer colors in selected nodes
- Preset comparator now sorts the items/recipes correctly in situations where the item/recipe is disabled in one of the presets but not in the other
- Preset comparator tooltip for same name recipes will now have correct height
- Pasting assembler options to nodes will now cause a graph update
- Passthrough nodes with no inputs will no longer act as free input nodes
- Auto-connect input/output should now behave properly and cause a re-calculation of the solution after connections are established
- Enabling everything will no longer enable unavailable items
- Enabling entities based on science packs should now work properly for sci-packs with multiple recipes (where most were disabled/unavailable)
- Issue #33 : Speed & pollution capped at 20% (same as efficiency) and productivity bonus capped at 0%
- Issue #39, #40, #50 : Import errors due to mineable resources with nil products has been fixed - import should now work as intended
- Issue #43 : UI interaction will now work properly with extra-large recipes as (for example) those in Py
- Issue #31 : Old data cache will now be deleted properly when switching presets, thus preventing memory issues
- Issue #23 : Import mod will now be properly removed from factorio at the conclusion of import (even in situations where the import fails) - this should prevent any adverse reactions to factorio & YAFC from the import mod
- Issue #22 : Dynamic links will now have their width shown properly based on the actual throughput instead of using the total input of consumer
- Removed graphics call for text height; previously resulted in over 500ms of delays in larger graphs
- Added a custom file to preset (now .dat includes the icons, .pjson includes the preset, and .json includes the custom additions) to be able to add extra items/recipes. Example use case: adding a recipe to consume all science bottles in order to design for specific SPM without having to set each bottle output individually.
- Scaling options for image export changed from 1,2,3 to a range from 1/20 to 3 to allow for export of mega sized graphs.
- Supply node visualization updated to be in-line with other nodes (over-supply now marked with golden border + 2 numbers shown representing actual use + total supplied)