Discord bot for planning pen-and-paper-shenanigans and more.
Creating an organising events like in-person pen-and-paper gaming sessions can be a pain, so while chatting and trying to organise sessions over discord a thought occoured:"Why not have a bot for that?!"
So here is the pen-and-paper shennenigans bot for discord. A bot used to help set up, and sign up for pen-and-paper events, and displaying reminders for future events.
Currently the main feature of paps-bot, is incorporating the discord bot API to receive commands from discord, mainly surrounding planning events. And supporting the organisation of such.
I learned a great deal during this endavour, it was a first dive into asynchronous python programming, and it was a trip to figure out.
Paps-bot using asynchronous commands and the discord-api to listen in on a assigned channel for specific prompts and formats.
Then paps bot handles the formatting and submitting of the event to a postgresSQL database
It's even possible to submit a search query and pull specific searches depending on what time/date or game sort it is about. Delete, and edit!
Furthermore, should need be a event can be submitted in form of a vote from participating members. Should enough members vote for an event, it will be saved. If not, discarded.
Slash commands implemented, much cleaner, all commands converted to slash command format.
WIP features: Attendee signup: Discord server members can associate their user to the bot, allowing for event signups, reminders, and more.