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Versioning fixes: np.NaN --> np.nan and 1e8 --> 100_000_000 in random… #2235

Versioning fixes: np.NaN --> np.nan and 1e8 --> 100_000_000 in random…

Versioning fixes: np.NaN --> np.nan and 1e8 --> 100_000_000 in random… #2235

# Large parts of this are directly copied or adapted from
# This action triggers the first stage of publishing this module. When a new tag is created and pushed to the remote repository, this action
# will begin. It builds the module, just as it would for an actual PyPI release, then uploads it to the Test PyPI index. That way I can test install
# the package from the test PyPI and not expose the real PyPI index to a potentially buggered version. When I verify that it works, a real publishing can
# be triggered by releasing the module.
# As a reminder to myself, the installation from test PyPI has to be done using this command, to make sure the dependancies are installed from the real
# PyPI index. PIP also seems to have issues with fitsio and regions v0.4 - but conda installing them works:
# pip install --index-url --extra-index-url xga
# The overall name of the action
name: Publish XGA to test PyPI, triggered on creation of tags
# This action triggers when there is a push to the repo
on: push
# Now the actual jobs we want the action to do are setup
# The only job in this action, building and publishing the XGA Python module
name: Build and publish XGA
# I actually only want to run this one if the pushed commit has a tag - I will only do this for new versions of the module
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags')
# The build/publishing process runs on the latest version of Ubuntu - not super important what this is for this use case, so long as its not Windows
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# This job has several steps
# Checks out the master branch (what we want to build and publish - hopefully with the VCS info that versioneer needs), then
# activates a relatively recent version of Python
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
fetch-tags: true
- name: Setup the Python install
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: 3.12
# The next two chunks set up PIP properly and build the module
- name: Install pypa/build
run: >-
python -m
pip install
- name: Build a binary wheel and source tarball
run: >-
python -m
--outdir dist/
# Then the module is published to the test PyPI index
- name: Publish to TestPyPI
uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
password: ${{ secrets.TEST_PYPI_API_TOKEN }}