A blogging theme with features to showcase portfolio projects and to present your team or staff members.
This theme can be installed under "Appearance" > "Themes". Click on the "Add New" button to upload the theme zip file.
- Several scripts were used in this theme and have additional licenses.
- Update: Larger screenshot
- Update: CSS Formatting
- Update: Load fonts from Google
- New theme updater
- Changes to reflect the fixes made in DP Portfolio. View http://devpress.com/murmur-portfolio-fix
- functions.php
- menu-portfolio-filter.php
- Added custom image sizes and post class modification from DP Portfolio plugin to functions.php
- plugins/dp-portfolio
- functions.php
- Edited functions.php with shorter conditionals
- Fixed mispelling of [.entry-content .page-links a:hover]
- change $categories and $category to $roles and $role in menu-portfolio-filter.php
- Added a two-column, left sidebar option.
- plugins/dp-portfolio/
- plugins/dp-team/languages/
- functions.php
- menu-portfolio-filter.php
- style.css
- Edit all files for proper copyright notices
- Improved slider loop in page-template-portfolio-showcase.php
- Removed unnecessary staff.php (added by mistake)
- Added max-width: 100% for images within #site-title