A responsive theme designed for business or magazine layouts. Select pages or posts to display on the showcase templates. Fonts and colors are customizable.
This theme can be installed under "Appearance" > "Themes". Click on the "Add New" button to upload the theme zip file.
This theme uses Grunt to compile SASS and Javascript. It also generates translation files, autoprefixes styles, and concats and minifies scripts.
If you have Grunt installed, just run npm install
in the theme directory to download dependencies.
grunt watch
can be used while editing SASS and JS.
grunt release
should be used before browser testing or releasing.
- Update: Make function overrides easier from child themes
- Update: Remove favicon options
- Fix: Page corner background color in IE
- Fix: Missing JetPack Color library
- Fix: Hover state of site logo in Firefox
- Update: Move image size setup into its own function
- Update: Use the_post_navigation and the_posts_navigation functions
- Update: Add support for title-tag
- Enhancement: Option to display featured image in post meta
- Bugfix: Make showcase templates compatible with PHP5.3
- Initial release