This was a copy of my capstone server originally.
This project was generated by a script on the Jersey tutorial page
It requires Maven to use. Download Maven and add it to the build path.
To test: mvn clean test or run as test in eclipse. Note you may have to hit junit tab to see results To run: mvn exec:java or just hit play from eclipse
If you want it in eclipse, you can use the m2eclipse plugin. After installing, go File -> import -> Maven, etc
I like this project because it has tests ready and configured. It would be nice if we could add Apache Tomcat or something.
On Database schema can be found in schema.txt There is no production database yet. So, for everything we need to use a local database. This can be easily created with WAMP (though this also gives you apache and php which we dont need). database must be located at
You can generate the jooq files by utilizing the facial-jooq.xml file. Note: before you use it, you need to set the property for your directory system To generate, run this command: Generate jar files with: mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies java -classpath target/jooq-3.5.0.jar;target/jooq-meta-3.5.0.jar;target/jooq-codegen-3.5.0.jar;target/mysql-connector-java-5.1.34.jar;. org.jooq.util.GenerationTool facial-jooq.xml
COMMON MISTAKES I'VE ENCOUNTERED running multiple instances will produce strange behavior... make sure you clear all programs before running