A Veadotube WebSocket API Library written in Kotlin
Originally Created alongside the Touch Portal Veadotube Plugin, referencing the original Bleat Can C# Library
The latest version is 0.6.0 and currently a beta release.
- Very much a Work in Progress - stable enough for general use but hasn't been fully tested.
- Tested with Veadotube Mini v2.0a & v2.1 Beta
- Future Releases and the release of Veadotube (e.g. Full) will likely require updates, if not breaking changes.
- The Major Version will be bumped for any breaking changes
- Provide an easy-to-use Library for working with Veadotube
- Be usable with Java as well as Kotlin
- Be Self-Contained, minimise the need to import Libraries this one depends on
- Use Concurrency to avoid bottlenecks
- Based on Bleat Can but is not intended to be an exact reimplementation
- Kotlin 1.9/2.0
- Coroutines Library for concurrency
- Ktor & CIO for Web/WebSocket Client Library
- Kotlinx JSON Serialization Library for Serializing and Deserializing WebSocket Messages
- Log4J, SLF4J, and Kotlin Logging
- JUnit for Testing
- The BleatKan Library is Licensed under Apache 2.0
- Please note: Some JSON Samples contain sample that cannot be forward licensed by this project
- Thumbnail Result Payload Sample png field(s) contain the image data of default Veadotube Avatars
- Copyright, etc. are retained by the creators of Veadotube and the Avatars
- These Samples are not required to build or run the software and are only provided to assist with developing and understanding the library
The Touch Portal Veadotube Plugin source code is the best example of use
Main Classes
- Instances Manager
- Monitors .veadotube folder inside the user home
- Decodes instance files and creates corresponding Objects
- Sends Events/Objects to an Instances Listener
- Connection Class and Serializable Message Classes
- Connects to Veadotube
- Object Factory/Builder and Convenience Functions for common API Messages
- Serializes and Deserializes Messaged to/from objects to avoid exposing libraries or creating compatibility issues
- Message Objects are sent to a Connection Listener
Generally you want to do the following:
- Create a Class that implements Instances Listener and Connection Listener to Handle events
- Can be Different Classes, but the Veadotube plugin implements both in the same class
- Create an Instances Manager, passing the Instances Listener
- Create a Connection when it receives a Start event using the Instance Object it Receives
- Clean up the Connection on End
- Connection will have ended but Close() should be run and object dereferenced for collection
- On Change should clean up the Old Connection and Create a new one
- Veadotube ends connections if the Windows Title changes
- Change event passes the old and new Instance Object
- Close() should be run on the Connection and object dereferenced for collection
- For each Connection, pass the Connection Listener
- Code to Register a Listener, Request Avatar List and other info should be done on Change when Active is true
- Cleanup can be done on Change when Active is false
- Error events can be ignored - Connection will retry connecting several times before giving up
- Receive events contain Replies and Listener Events
- These are Deserialized Messages in the form of data Class Objects
- Use VtRequest to create Requests and use the Connection Send function to send them
Instances Manager
- Imports Instance Files and Manages Object Lifecycle
- Monitors
<user folder>/.veadotube/instances/
for Instance files created by Veadotube Instances - Sends Events to a Listener when Files Are Created, Modified, Deleted/Expired
- Modified event only triggered if Instance Name Changes, internal file timestamps don't trigger modified event
InstanceID - Represents an imported Instance File
- Immutable - values can't be modified after creation
- Contains the values of the File Name, not file contents
- File name is in format
<Instance Type>-<Launch Timestamp Hex>-<Process ID Hex>
e.g. mini-08dc8d3c583c0587-00000f38 - These are separated to:
- type (e.g. mini)
- timestamp (as Long)
- process (as Int)
- File name is in format
Instance - Represents the Server details of a single running copy of Veadotube
- When created by Instance Manager, it contains the Contents of the Instance File
- Has the following values:
- id - InstanceID the instance was imported from
- server - WebSocket Server IP & Port. e.g. ''
- name - Instance Display Name. e.g. 'veadotube mini'
- fileLastModified - Internal Timestamp used to expire old files
- instanceConnectionID - Unique ID Generated from ID, Server, Name
Instances Listener
- Interface for receiving events from Instances Manager
Connection - A single Connection to a Veadotube Instance
- Connects to an Instance of Veadotube using WebSocket
- Constructor needs an Instance and a Connection Listener
- Connection Listener is sent events and processed messages
- Messages mainly use the Serializable Package
- Messages can be created with VtFactory, & sent using the Connection Send Function
- Received messages are processed and sent to Listener
Connection Error
- Errors that can be sent to the Listener
Connection Listener
- Listener for receiving events from Connection Manager
These are objects to represent JSON messages in a way that doesn't require the JSON Serialization Library to be directly used
Request Message
- VtFactory can be used to Generate Messages to send.
- Has lots of convenience functions to make generation easy
- RequestMessage is the base Class for messages - different message types inherit this
- Several Enums for known values (message types, etc.)
Result Message
- ResultMessage is the base Class for messages - different message types inherit this
- Several Enums for known values (message types, etc.)
- Contents of an Instance File
- Serializer Objects for converting between Objects & JSON
- Veadotube: https://veado.tube
- VeadotubeTouchPortalPlugin : https://github.com/DissonantAU/VeadotubeTouchPortalPlugin
- Bleat Can (API): https://gitlab.com/veadotube/bleatcan
- Veadotube WebSocket Reference: https://veado.tube/help/docs/websocket