NexusTK Resource Viewer for EPF and related files.
IntelliJ is recommended for development, but you should be able to build with just Java 8+ and Maven:
$ mvn clean install
$ (cd tk-viewer; mvn clean package)
- Output is stored in
java -jar tk-viewer/target/tk-viewer*.jar
$ mvn clean install
$ (cd tk-partpicker; mvn clean package)
java -jar tk-viewer/target/tk-partpicker*.jar
- File Structures
- Note: The tile structures are compressed with zlib in the CMP format - it must be inflated!
short width (2 bytes) # width of the map (in tiles)
short height (2 bytes) # height of the map (in tiles)
tile[width * height] tiles (width * height * 4 bytes) # list of tile structures (zlib compressed)
typedef struct {
short abTileId (2 bytes) # ground tile frame index (Tile/Tbl)
short passableTile (2 bytes) # passable tile flag
short sObjTileId (2 bytes) # static object index (TileC/SObjTbl)
} tile (6 bytes)
int file_count (4 bytes) # file count + 1 (decrement for file count)
file[file_count] files ((file_count * file_size) bytes) # list of file structures
byte[] file_data # binary data of all files (head-to-tail)
typedef struct {
int data_location (4 bytes) # index of 'file_data' for the start of this file
byte[13] file_name (13 bytes) # the file name (UTF-8 padded - 13 bytes)
} file (17 + size bytes)
int mob_count (4 bytes) # number of mobs in file
mob[mob_count] mobs (mob_count * mob_size bytes) # list of mob structures
typedef struct {
int frame_index (4 bytes) # frame index of mob
byte chunk_count (1 byte) # number of chunks in mob
byte unknown1 (1 byte) # unknown id/flag (1)
short palette_index (2 bytes) # palette index of mob
chunk[chunk_count] chunks (chunk_count * chunk_size bytes) # list of chunk structures
} mob (8 + (chunk_count * chunk_size) bytes)
typedef struct {
short block_count (2 bytes) # block count of chunk
block[block_count] blocks (block_count * block_size bytes) # list of block structures
} chunk (2 + (block_count * block_size) bytes)
typedef struct {
short frame_offset (2 bytes) # offset from frame_index in chunk
short duration (2 bytes) # amount of time to play the frame
short unknownId1 (2 bytes) # normally -1, only has real values
in death animations for 2 mobs
byte transparency (1 bytes) # transparency
byte unknownId2 (1 byte) # unknown id/flag (5)
byte unknownId3 (1 byte) # unknown id/flag (5)
} block (9 bytes)
byte[15] header (15 bytes) # PartDescription (literal)
byte[7] null (7 bytes) # unknown null bytes (1)
byte unknown1 (1 byte) # unknown id/flag (2)
int part_count (4 bytes) # number of parts
part[part_count] parts (part_count * part_size bytes) # list of part structures
typedef struct {
int id (4 bytes) # id of the part
int palette_id (4 bytes) # palette index of the part
int frame_index (4 bytes) # first frame index of the part
int frame_count (4 bytes) # number of sequential frames after frame_index
byte unknown2 (1 byte) # unknown id/flag (3)
int unknown3 (4 bytes) # unknown id/flag (4)
byte unknown4 (1 byte) # unknown id/flag (5)
int unknown5 (4 bytes) # unknown id/flag (6)
int unknown6 (4 bytes) # unknown id/flag (7)
int chunk_count (4 bytes) # number of chunks
chunk[chunk_count] chunks (chunk_count * chunk_size bytes) # list of chunk structures
} part (34 + (chunk_count * chunk_size) bytes)
typedef struct {
int id (4 bytes) # id of the chunk
int unknown (4 bytes) # unknown id/flag (1)
int block_count (4 bytes) # number of blocks
block[block_count] blocks (block_count * block_size bytes) # list of block structures
} chunk (12 + (block_count * block_size) bytes)
typedef struct {
byte id (1 byte) # id of the block
int null (4 bytes) # unknown id/flag (1)
int unknown (4 bytes) # unknown id/flag (2)
} block (9 bytes)
short frame_count (2 bytes) # number of frames in the EPF
short height (2 bytes) # height of the EPF (?)
short width (2 bytes) # width of the EPF (?)
short unknown (2 bytes) # unknown id/flag (1)
int pixel_data_length (4 bytes) # length of the pixel data
byte[pixel_data_length] pixel_data (pixel_data_length bytes) # list of pixel data bytes
frame[frame_count] frames (frame_count * frame_size bytes) # list of frame structures
typedef struct {
short top (2 bytes) # top offset of the frame (in pixels)
short left (2 bytes) # left offset of the frame (in pixels)
short bottom (2 bytes) # bottom offset of the frame (in pixels)
short right (2 bytes) # right offset of the frame (in pixels)
int pixel_data_offset (4 bytes) # index of 'pixel_data' for the start of this frame's pixel data
int stencil_data_offset (4 bytes) # index of 'pixel_data' for the start of this frame's stencil data
} frame (16 bytes)
int effect_count (4 bytes) # number of effects in FRM
int[effect_count] palette_index (effect_count * 4 bytes) # list of palette indicies for effects
short width (2 bytes) # width of the map (in tiles)
short height (2 bytes) # height of the map (in tiles)
tile[width*height] tiles (width * height * 4 bytes) # list of tile structures
typedef struct {
short ab_tile_id (2 bytes) # ground tile frame index (Tile/Tbl)
short sobj_tile_id (2 bytes) # static object index (TileC/SObjTbl)
} tile (4 bytes)
byte[9] header (9 bytes) # DLPalette # DLPalette (literal)
byte[15] unknown (15 bytes) # unknown bytes (1)
byte animation_color_count (1 byte) # number of animation colors
byte[7] unknown2 (7 bytes) # unknown bytes (2)
short[animation_color_count] (animation_color_count * 2 bytes) # list of animation colors (short)
color[256] palette (1024 bytes) # list of color structures
typedef struct {
byte red (1 byte) # red value for color
byte green (1 byte) # green value for color
byte red (1 byte) # red value for color
byte alpha (1 byte) # alpha value for color
} color (4 bytes)
int palette_count # number of palettes in file
PAL[palette_count] palettes # list of PAL structures
typedef struct {
byte[9] header (9 bytes) # DLPalette (literal)
byte[15] unknown (15 bytes) # unknown bytes (1)
byte animation_color_count (1 byte) # number of animation colors
byte[7] unknown2 (7 bytes) # unknown bytes (2)
short[animation_color_count] (animation_color_count * 2 bytes) # list of animation colors (short)
color[256] palette (1024 bytes) # list of color structures
typedef struct {
byte red (1 byte) # blue value for color
byte green (1 byte) # green value for color
byte blue (1 byte) # red value for color
byte alpha (1 byte) # alpha value for color
} color (4 bytes)
int effect count (4 bytes) # number of effects in TBL
effect [effect_count] effects # list of effect structures
typedef struct {
int effect_index (4 bytes) # effect index
int frame count (4 bytes) # number of sequential frames after effect_index
byte[20] unknown # unknown bytes (1)
frame [frame_count] frames # list of frame structures
typedef struct {
int frame index (4 bytes) # start frame index for effect
int frame delay (4 bytes) # delay until next frame (milliseconds)
int pallete number (4 bytes) # palette index to use when renderer
byte[4] unknown (4 bytes) # unknown bytes (1)
} effect
string header (21 bytes) # MotionStandard (literal)
byte[2] unknown (2 bytes) # unknown null bytes (i.e., [00, 01])
int motion_count (4 bytes) # number of motions
motion[motion_count] motions (motion_count * motion_size bytes) # list of motion structures
# motion_size = 33 + (frame_count * 122 bytes)
typedef struct {
int id (4 bytes) # id of the motion
string name (21 bytes) # name of motion (i.e., "SwingEast")
int unknown_int (4 bytes) # unknown int (i.e., [FF, FF, FF, FF])
int frame_count (4 bytes) # number of frames in the motion
typedef struct { (frame_count * 122 bytes)
short unknown_short (2 bytes) # unknown short (i.e., [FF, FF])
int[30] layer_ids (120 bytes) # list of layer ids describing z-order, read until first -1 int (i.e., [FF, FF, FF, FF])
} # then can skip to end of struct (122 bytes)
int object_count (4 bytes) # number of objects in SObj TBL
short unknown (2 bytes) # unknown short
object[object_count] (obj_count * obj_size bytes) # list of object structures
typedef struct {
int unknown (4 bytes) # unknown byte (typically 0xFFFFFFFF)
byte unknown (1 byte) # unknown byte (typically 0x00)
byte movement_directions (1 byte) # movement directions for static object (see list below)
byte tile_count (1 byte) # number of tiles in static object
short[tile_count] (tile_count * 2 bytes) # list of tile indicies for static object
} object
Note: Movement Directions appear to have 6 states:
- 0x00 (Empty)
- 0x01 (Bottom)
- 0x02 (Top)
- 0x04 (Left)
- 0x08 (Right)
- 0x0F (Full)
int tile_count (4 bytes) # number of tiles in TBL
tile[tile_count] tiles (tile_count * 2 bytes) # list of tile structures
typedef struct {
short palette_index (1 byte) # palette index for tile (masked)
} tile (2 bytes)
Huge thank you to everyone who helps figure out NTK file structures:
- DDeokk
- herbert3000
- rbcastner
- SapMagic
- wattostudios
- mac