Booru-chan v2.2
New features
∙ Image/Post URL copy log, allows you to copy all the previous post/image URLs you've copied
∙ File/Copy All Previously Copied Post URLs (⌃⇧⌘O)
∙ File/Copy All Previously Copied Image URLs (⌃⌘C)
∙ Animated GIF support
∙ Optional show notification when downloads finish
∙ Tag blacklist
∙ Added %md5%
for saved filenames
∙ Tabbing support (macOS Sierra)
∙ Dark and light themes
∙ Made downloading much better, fully reliable and does all of it asynchronously so the interface doesn't lag
∙ Upgraded project to Swift 3
∙ Updated the save panel to add support for tagging and custom filename formats
∙ Updated the Danbooru 1.x
API, set Danbooru to use it by default to evade tag filters with no account
∙ Changed Danbooru to use Danbooru 1.x
by default to bypass the tag filter
∙ Much more native and less cheaty interface (native toolbar, preferences)
Bug fixes
∙ Character encoding in API request URLs
∙ Loaded percent indicator being 0% on already downloaded images
∙ Some images not saving if they used tags in their name and a tag included a /
∙ Front page not loading new pages on scroll
∙ Scrolling to the next page not working sometimes if the window was too big
∙ No More Results
item being able to be saved, causing the application to crash when attempted
∙ A bug with some boorus where the API would return non-encoded URLs and break requests
∙ A bug with Moebooru where jpeg files would be downloaded instead of the original image
∙ A bug where some boorus wouldn't allow you to download images without the image fully loading first
∙ A bug where dragging the window titlebar could resize the split view
∙ Fixed Konachan (API updated)
∙ Selected searching booru being reset when editing preferences