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Kometa Configuration File

zhdenny edited this page May 18, 2024 · 1 revision

So you ran DAPS sync_gdrive and poster_renamerr and the output is a bunch of posters matched to your setup. You now need to make sure Kometa can see that directory and then configure your Kometa config.yml so it applies those posters into your Plex libraries.

Below are a few clips of the Kometa config.yml file that show the important settings you must pay attention to in order for posters to be correctly applied when Kometa runs. This is NOT a complete config.yml for Kometa.

Note: Kometa config.yml is constantly evolving as the developer changes/adds/removes various settings. Always reference the Kometa Wiki for further information

  "Movies operations":
    library_name: "Movies"
    schedule: daily
      assets_for_all: true

  "TV Shows operations":
    library_name: "TV Shows"
    schedule: daily
      assets_for_all: true

  asset_directory: /assets
  asset_folders: true #setting MUST match what is set in DAPS config.yml see -->
  asset_depth: 0
  create_asset_folders: false
  prioritize_assets: true
  - operations
  - metadata
  - collections
  - overlays
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