Naïve implementation of the Classic Algebraic Multigrid Method (AMG). The major procedure of the multigrid solver and the parameters in the solver (like the number of pre- and post-smoother) is almost the same as my previous GMG repo. Source codes are clean and should be easy to read. Generating coarse grid problem may be a little slow :)
Notice: The ''Second pass'' in generating coarse grid in Classic AMG is not included in my code.
Here is a small comparison of Geometric Multigrid (GMG) and Algebraic Multigrid (AMG):
Here is another test case: solving the linear system generated by FEM using uniform triangular element (using MATLAB code in this repo to generate data):
- Yousef Saad, Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear System (Second Edition), Philadelphia: SIAM, 2003 Online Access
- R. D. Falgout, An Introduction to Algebraic Multigrid, in Computing in Science and Engineering Journal, Vol 8 Issue 6, 2006 Online Access