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Naïve implementations of some Krylov subspace methods without preconditioning

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Krylov Subspace Methods (Iterative Solver)

Some "byproducts", or say "formula translations" of my course CSE 6644 / MATH 6644. :)

Naïve implementations of some Krylov subspace methods:

  • Restarted Full Orthogonalization Method (FOM)
  • Restarted Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES), with Arnoldi / Householder orthonormalization and left preconditioning matrix $M$
  • Conjugate Gradient (CG), 4 different versions, classic version with left preconditioning matrix $M$
  • Conjugate Residual (CR)
  • Biconjugate Gradient without/with Stabilized (BiCG/BiCGStab)

For symmetric system only: CG (S.P.D. matrix), CR (Hermitian matrix)

Solver Interfaces

Common Input Parameters and Output Values

[x, converged, iter_cnt, res_norm] = Solver(A, b, res_tol, max_iter, ...)

Solve $x$ for $Ax=b$ s.t. $|b-Ax|_2 \le |b|_2 \cdot res_tol$ with at most $max_iter$ iterations. converged marks whether the solver converged to given tolerance within given maximum iterations. iter_cnt is the number of iterations the solver has executed. res_norm is a vector that contains the residual norm of each iteration.

Default value for res_tol is $1e-9$.

Input Parameters for FOM

[x, converged, iter_cnt, res_norms] = FOM(A, b, res_tol, max_iter, restart)

FOM will restart every restart inner iterations, the total number of iterations will not exceed restart * max_iter. Default value for restart is min(10, size(A, 1)), for max_iter is min(size(A, 1) / restart, 10).

Input Parameters for GMRES

[x, converged, iter_cnt, res_norm] = GMRES(A, b, restart, res_tol, max_iter, M, use_HH)

GMRES will restart every restart inner iterations, the total number of iterations will not exceed restart * max_iter. M is the matrix for left preconditioning $M^{-1} A x = M^{-1}b$. If use_HH == 1, GMRES will use Householder orthogonalization; otherwise GMRES will use modified Gram-Schmidt (Arnoldi) orthogonalization.

Default value for restart is min(10, size(A, 1)), for max_iter is min(size(A, 1) / restart, 10), for use_HH is $1$.

A Simple Comparison (Without Preconditioning)



  1. Yousef Saad, Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear System (Second Edition), Philadelphia: SIAM, 2003 Online Access
  2. A.T. Chronopoulos, C.W. Gear, s-step Iterative Methods for Symmetric Linear Systems, SIAM J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1989, pp. 153-168
  3. P. Ghysels, W. Vanroose, Hiding Global Synchronization Latency in the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, Elsevier, J. Parallel Computing, Vol 40 No 7, 2014
  4. MATLAB built-in function gmres, path: MATLAB_INSTALL_DIR/toolbox/matlab/sparfun/gmres.m.
  5. Netlib, MATLAB templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods (2nd Edition), Online Access


Naïve implementations of some Krylov subspace methods without preconditioning






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