Entitypedia Games Spring MVC Doclet is a Javadoc Doclet which generates Swagger 1.2 specification to document APIs following Entitypedia Games Framework conventions.
This doclet can be used with javadoc
tool from command line. Another way is to embed it in Maven build:
<!-- For the project-reports page-->
<name>Swagger Spring MVC Doclet</name>
<description>Swagger documentation.</description>
-apiBasePath /YOUR_GAME_NAME/webapi/
-docBasePath /YOUR_GAME_NAME/apidocs/
-apiVersion ${project.dependencies[1].version}
-apiPackage org.entitypedia.games.YOUR_GAME_NAME.common.api
-controllerPackage org.entitypedia.games.YOUR_GAME_NAME.api.controller
Inspired by https://github.com/ryankennedy/swagger-jaxrs-doclet