Utility function package for STRAP
can be installed current code as a library with : devtools::install_github("Epiconcept-Paris/STRAP-epiuf")
if you have more than one version of R, you can install epiuf for the current R version only using: devtools::install_github("Epiconcept-Paris/STRAP-epiuf", INSTALL_opts=c("--no-multiarch"))
To install a specific version : devtools::install_github("Epiconcept-Paris/[email protected]",upgrade="never",build_vignettes = TRUE,INSTALL_opts=c("--no-multiarch"))
To install the latest release : devtools::install_github("Epiconcept-Paris/STRAP-epiuf@*release",upgrade="never",build_vignettes = TRUE,INSTALL_opts=c("--no-multiarch"))
Once installed, you can use the library() function to load the package library(epiuf)
library(epiuf) should replace the line < source("epifunctions.R") >