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WorkflowDev: Workflow Data Object

Tim Cortesi edited this page Aug 17, 2020 · 6 revisions

The workflow data object contains information about a given workflow submission, including things like the current form data, workflow state, latest actions, history, and other pertinent information. The workflow data object is available on the server (for use with Mustache email templates, external APIs, etc), as well as in the browser (for use with client-side Ractive templates and Mustache templates within flow and form fields).

Note: Not all fields are available in all places, so please reference the table below to determine which fields are available where.

Server Templates Comments Object / Array
* Unique Workflow Submission ID (only exists after submission has been created) id
* * current results of the form form
user type populated with user info user
group type populated with user info group
* * person who originated the submission owner
* * first_name
* * last_name
* * email
* * unique_id
* * id
* * params
* * is
* * actor
* * person logged in and taking an action actor
* * first_name
* * last_name
* * email
* * unique_id
* * id
* * params
* is
* owner
* * assignment
* * {{}} id
* * type
* * user
* * first_name
* * last_name
* * email
* * unique_id
* * params
* * group
* id
* * name
* slug
* (array) members[]
* first_name
* last_name
* email
* unique_id
* params
* results of assignment url(not available for onExit) data
* available after action taken (object) action being performed action
* name
* label
* type
* * current state (open / closed) (string) current state state
* * current status status
* * previous
* * previous state (open / closed) (string) state which was just left state
* * previous status status
* * boolean values regarding the current state is
* * open
* * closed
* * currently in the initial state (boolean) initial
* * There are >0 actions available on the current state (boolean) actionable
* * boolean values regarding the previous state was
* * open
* * closed
* * just left the initial state (boolean) initial
* * full URL to Report w/ History report_url
* * workflow
* * instance
* * group_id
* * slug
* * name
* * icon
* * public
* * configuration
* * version
* * id
* * summary
* * description
* * stable
* * name
* * description
* * history (array) history[]
* * id
* * data
* * action
* created_at
* updated_at
* * comment
* * current state after the "action" was taken state
* * status
* is
* open
* closed
* initial
* * assignment
* * id
* * type
* * previous state/status before the "action" was taken previous
* * state
* * actor
* first_name
* last_name
* email
* unique_id
* * id
* params
* is
* owner