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This repository was archived by the owner on Aug 28, 2024. It is now read-only.

Models, scripts, and tools for use in ArcGIS Desktop and Server to support defense and intelligence workflows.


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The ArcGIS Solutions Geoprocessing Toolbox is a collection of models, scripts, and tools for use in ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Pro. These tools provide specialized processing, workflows, and analysis for defense, intelligence, emergency management, and law enforcement. They are included in Esri's Solutions Templates.



Specialized geoprocessing models and tools for general defense and intelligence analysis tasks including:


  • ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1 (or later)
  • ArcGIS Pro 1.4 (or later)

NOTE: Check Releases for tools for previous versions of ArcGIS Desktop

  • Some tools require additional licenses (these tools will be disabled if license is unavailable):
    • ArcGIS Desktop Advanced
      • ClearingOperationsTools.pyt
      • GriddedReferenceGraphicTools.pyt
      • Military Features Tools_arcmap
    • ArcGIS Spatial Analyst Extension
      • Military Aspects of Terrain_pro
      • Military Aspects of Terrain_arcmap
      • Sun Position Analysis Tools_pro
      • Sun Position Analysis Tools_arcmap
    • ArcGIS 3D Analyst Extension
      • Military Aspects of Terrain_pro
      • Military Aspects of Terrain_arcmap
    • Access to ArcGIS Organization Account
      • Distance To Assets_pro
      • Distance To Assets_arcmap

A Tale of Two Toolboxes

The solutions-geoprocessing-toolbox repo supports toolboxes for both ArcMap/ArcCatalog/ArcGlobe/ArcScene (collectively called ArcGIS for Desktop) and also ArcGIS Pro. Toolboxes that are modified in ArcGIS Pro are not backwards compatible (see Compatibility note below) with other ArcGIS Desktop applications (ArcMap), so most toolboxes are duplicated for one or the other. The naming of these toolboxes is as follows:

  • Toolboxes that are for ArcGIS Desktop will include arcmap after the toolbox name. For example: Geonames Tools__arcmap.tbx
  • Toolboxes for ArcGIS Pro will include pro. For example: Geonames Tools__pro.tbx

Please note that some toolboxes are for ArcGIS Pro only, or ArcGIS Desktop only. These toolboxes will follow the above naming convention, but will not have a duplicate.

Also note that some of our toolboxes are (Python Toolboxes)[] (.pyt) and work in both ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. These do not have the arcmap or pro suffix.

Instructions To Get Started

General Help

New to Github? Get started here.

Downloading Test Data and Running Verification Tests are only available through the GitHub repository, and are not available from other download versions of the repository.

Getting Started with the tools

  • Download the Github repository
    • If repository was downloaded as a zip, extract the zip file
    • Make note of this directory, the steps below assume it will be called "solutions-geoprocessing-toolbox"
    • Open the toolboxes in the appropriate version of ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro listed in requirements
    • Questions about the tools? Start by reading the tool doc
    • Tool doc doesn't make sense? Please log an issue and let us know!

Running Verification Tests

Mature Support

For information Esri support levels visit the Esri Product Life Cycle page. Toolboxes marked for Mature Support will be removed from this repository's dev and master branches in the future, but will still be availalbe from earlier releases.



Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.

To submit an issue:

  1. Go to the issue tab
  2. Click New Issue
  3. Fill out all of the relevant sections
  4. Submit new issue when completed


  • Include a FULL description of the problem or enhancement or idea. Include:
    • What happened (details)?
    • What did you expect to happen?
    • What is different between what happened and what you expected?
    • What versions of the software are you working on?
    • Include the text of any error messages.
  • Include steps to reproduce the problem. We can't solve it if we can't see what's wrong.
    • Use a numbered list of steps.
    • DETAILS: Be explicit. More is better, than little, which is better than nothing. Never assume we know what you're talking about (assume we don't know).
  • Include screenshots to support the info above, but NEVER replace a good description with a screenshot.


When you contribute to this repository we ask that you follow the guidelines in the repository-specific guidelines for contributing.

Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone through GitHub. Please see Esri's general guidelines for contributing.


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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's license.txt file.