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CSS, JS-objects and interface to select language and translate text used by FCOO web applications


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i18next, CSS, JS-objects and interface to select language and translate text used by FCOO web applications

  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Demo
  4. Namespace window.fcoo
  5. i18next
  6. Standard FCOO i18next Namespaces
  7. i18next plugins
  8. New jQuery prototype methods
  9. lang-flag-icon


FCOOs applications using i18next to translate.

This package includes set-up for i18next and other packages with css and JavaScript object to set language, icons, Modernizr tests, and load of json-files with phrases in different formats



bower install --save


Show list of all installed flag-icon-XX and lang-icon-YY

Namespace window.fcoo

All JavaScript objects are create in the name space window.fcoo

i18next is a very popular internationalization library for browser or any other javascript environment It supports many different structure of organizing data and translations. To unify and simplify the translation of text in FCOOs applications, the following options, structure, and methods are used and recommended.

Available language

To change witch language that are available:

In src/fcoo-language.js change

var languages = ['da', 'en',...];

In src/fcoo-language.scss change

$lang-list: ( 
	da: dk, //Danish -> Denmark
	en: gb, //English -> UK

All translations, phrases etc. MUST always at least be available in Danish or English (but not necessarily in both)

Selected language

fcoo-language will load selected language via fcoo-settings or set a default language

The current language is always


And the event "languagechanged" in is fired when the language is changed.

Alternative language

Some of the contents on FCOOs web applications are only available in either Danish (da) or English (en). If the user has selected a language other than da or en they select between da and en to be the second language (saved as language2 in fcoo-settings) This is primarily to allow users how has selected Faroese or Greenlandic to see no-translated contents in Danish.

fcoo-language also uses the browsers language as an options for alternative languages

It is also possible that some phrases are translated into languages not in the list of available languages. Eq. links to home-pages often are in national language and English

Event "languagechanged" is also fired when alternative language (language2) is changed


Using default i18next options for initializing i18next with one exception: default namespace = "translation" namespace-key separator: ":" key separator is changed to "#"

This makes it possible to use "." in keys eq.

Key and Namespace

i18next supports the use of multi level keys and namespace, but to keep it simple FCOOs applications will only use 1-dim keys and none or 1-dim namespace. i18next.t( "button:ok" ); //key="ok", namespace="button" i18next.t( "sealevel" ); //Key="sealevel", namespace=default

Adding translation

Default i18n structure

Default 1-dim json-structure for i18next is

        { langA: { 
            namespace: { key: value1 }
          langB: { 
            namespace: { key: value2 }

Using the following methods to add translations

i18next.addResource(lng, ns, key, value, options) //Adds one key/value.
i18next.addResources(lng, ns, resources) //Adds multiple key/values. 

Additional structure

To make adding translation easier a new format is supported:

        { namespace: {
            key: {
              langA: valueA,
              langB: valueB

Tree methods are added to i18next:

i18next.addPhrase( [namespace,] key, langValue) 
i18next.addPhrases( [namespace,] keyLangValue )
i18next.loadPhrases( jsonFileName, onFail );


  • key {string} can be a combined namespace:key string, and

  • langValue = { {lang: value}xN }

  • keyLangValue = { key: {lang: value}xN }, key2: {lang: value}xN } }

  • jsonFileName = the file name of a json-file with the format nsKeyLangValue

  • nsKeyLangValue =

      	namespaceA: { 
      		key : {lang: value}xN }, 
      		key2: {lang: value}xN } 
        	namespaceB: { 
      		key3: {lang: value}xN }, 
      		key4: {lang: value}xN } 


i18next.addPhrase( 'button:cancel', { en: 'Cancel', da:'Annuller' });
i18next.addResource('en', 'button', 'cancel', 'Cancel');
i18next.addResource('da', 'button', 'cancel', 'Annuller');


Sometime a translation is so local that it do not need to be added as a key. E.g. in error-messages where the contents is specific to a given error

In these cases a new method is added to i18next:

i18next.sentence( langValue, options )
i18next.s( langValue, options )

Where langValue = { {lang: value}xN }


var str = i18next.sentence({ en: 'This is a sentence in English', da:'Dette er en sætning på dansk' }); 


[KEY] = Singular [KEY]_plural = Plural

Translate with options={count:...}


{	"en": {
		"translation": {
  			"key": "item",
  			"key_plural": "items",
  			"keyWithCount": "{{count}} item",
  			"keyWithCount_plural": "{{count}} items"

Would give the following translations

i18next.t('key', {count: 0}); // output: 'items'
i18next.t('key', {count: 1}); // output: 'item'
i18next.t('key', {count: 5}); // output: 'items'
i18next.t('key', {count: 100}); // output: 'items'
i18next.t('keyWithCount', {count: 0}); // output: '0 items'
i18next.t('keyWithCount', {count: 1}); // output: '1 item'
i18next.t('keyWithCount', {count: 5}); // output: '5 items'
i18next.t('keyWithCount', {count: 100}); // output: '100 items'

Standard FCOO i18next Namespaces

The following namespaces are used to provide abbreviation (abbr), name, link and e-mail for different institutions, organisations, standards, models etc. :

  • abbr: The national abbreviation of institutes, organisations, models etc. Only needed if $.i18nLink if key.toUpperCase is different from abbr. E.g.
    • if key = 'fcoo' and abbr = 'FCOO' => no need for 'abbr:fcoo'
    • if key = 'abcd' and abbr = 'abcd' or 'A.B.C.D.' => abbr needed
  • name: Full name of institutions or organisations. Use national abbreviation as key and include name in national language. Eq. key = name:bsh, translation en:"Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency", de:"Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie"
  • link: The link-address to a home-page. Use the abbreviation as key. Eq. key = link:dmi, translation da:"", en:""
  • email, the official e-mail-address of the institution/organisation

Loading phrases-files via fcoo.promiseList

fcoo.loadKeyPhraseFile(fileName[, subDir]) OR ({fileName, subDir})
//Loads a key-phrase-files = { key: { namespace1: {..}, namespace2:{...} }*N }.

fcoo.loadPhraseFile(fileName[, subDir]) OR ({fileName, subDir})
//Loads a phrase-files = { namespace: { key1: {..}, key2:{...} }*N }.

i18next plugins

Post processor for i18next enabling interval plurals

i18next.addPhrase('car_interval', {
	en: '(1){one car};(2-7){a few cars};(7-inf){a lot of cars};',
	da: '(1){en bil};(2-7){et par biler};(7-inf){en masse biler};'

i18next.t('car_interval', { postProcess: 'interval', count: 1   }); // -> one car
i18next.t('car_interval', { postProcess: 'interval', count: 4   }); // -> a few cars
i18next.t('car_interval', { postProcess: 'interval', count: 100 }); // -> a lot of cars

i18next plugin for jquery usage Using property "data-i18n" to set the i18next-key

<ul class="nav">
    <li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.home"></a></li>
    <li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.page1"></a></li>
    <li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.page2"></a></li>

Also works for element properties

<a id="btn1" href="#" data-i18n="[title]key.for.title"></a>

To update the contents call localize


See [jqueryI18next] for documentation

New jQuery prototype methods

To add or update the data-i18n properties of elements a new methods is defined

$.fn.i18n( htmlOrKeyOrPhrase[, attribute][, options] )

Were htmlOrKeyOrPhrase =

  • simple html-string OR
  • i18next-key OR
  • a phrase-object (see langValue in i18next.addPhrase)

that set or update data-i18n="[attribute]key and data-i18n-options="options stringified"

$('<a href="#"></a>').i18n('car_interval', {count:5}); //<a href="#" data-i18n="car_interval" data-i18n-options="{'count':5}"/>

$('<a href="#"></a>).i18n('key.for.title', 'title'); // <a href="#" data-i18n="[title]key.for.title"></a>

$('<a href="#"></a>').i18n({'da':'På dansk', en:'In English'}); //<a href="#" data-i18n="SOM_TEMP_KEY"/>

The following classes is included.


Classes for flag-icon-XX for country-codes (XX)

  • dk (Denmark)
  • fo (Faro Islands)
  • gl (Greenland)

<html class="flag-XX> and show-for-flag-XX

Modernizr-classes (show-for-flag-XX and hide-for-flag-XX for country-codes (XX)

  • dk (Denmark)
  • fo (Faro Islands)
  • gl (Greenland)


Classes for lang-icon-XX for language-codes (YY)

  • da Danish -> Denmark
  • en English -> UK
  • de German -> Germany
  • sv Swedish -> Sweden
  • no Norwegian -> Norway
  • fo Faroese -> Faroe Islands
  • kl Kalaallisut/Greenlandic -> Greenland

<html class="lang-XX> and show-for-lang-YY

Modernizr-classes (show-for-lang-YY and hide-for-lang-YY for language-codes (YY)

  • da Danish
  • en English
  • fo Faroese
  • kl Kalaallisut/Greenlandic

Copyright and License

This plugin is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2015 FCOO

Contact information

Niels Holt [email protected]


CSS, JS-objects and interface to select language and translate text used by FCOO web applications







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