Subset of CF Standard Names from CF Conventions and Metadata of parameters and subset of UDUNITS of units used in FCOO applications.
See also the list from NOAA
bower install --save (NOT WORKING)
List of all parametre used in FCOOs web-application.
Contain both standard CF scalar parameter and "vector"-parameter with two parameter [eastward, westward]
and/or [speed, direction]
name : STRING or {da: STRING, en: STRING}. The name of the parameter
type : STRING. "scalar" or "vector". Default "scalar"
group : STRING. See below
standard: BOOLEAN. true if it is a CF-parameter. Default true
speed_direction : [CF_SN_ID, CF_SN_ID]. Only for type="vector": The speed and direction component
eastward_northward: [CF_SN_ID, CF_SN_ID]. Only for type="vector": The east- and westward component
description: STRING. (Optional)
Each parameter must be in one of the following groups. The groups divides the parameter in domains (space, air, sea etc.) but also in expected relation to different forecast models (Sea Level models, Wave models, Ice models)
- Sun, moon (Solar angle, Moon phases etc.)"METEO"
- All meteorological parameter"WIND"
- Subgroup of "METEO""CLOUD"
- Subgroup of "METEO""ILLUM"
- Illumination"OCEAN"
- All oceanographic paramater"SEALEVEL"
- Subgroup of "OCEAN""HYDRO"
- Subgroup of "OCEAN" (Temperature, Salinity, Speed of Sound etc.)"CURRENT"
- Subgroup of "OCEAN""WAVE"
- Surface wave"ICE"
- Ice on the sea
"sea_water_speed": {
"name": {"da": "Strømhastighed", "en": "Current Speed"},
"group": "CURRENT",
"unit": "m s-1"
"sea_water_velocity": {
"name": {"da": "Strøm", "en": "Current"},
"type": "vector",
"group": "CURRENT",
"standard" : false,
"eastward_northward": ["eastward_sea_water_velocity", "northward_sea_water_velocity"],
"speed_direction": ["sea_water_speed", "sea_water_velocity_to_direction"]
List of all units used in FCOOs web-application.
UNIT = {
name : STRING or {da: STRING, en: STRING}. The name of the unit
alias : STRING. Alias id's for the unit. E.q. "km/h km/t" for "km h-1"
decimals : NUMBER. Default decimals. Default 0
SI_unit : UNIT_ID. Ref to the units SI-unit.
SI_factor: FLOAT/STRING. Convertion between the unit and the SI-unit. SI-unit = SI_factor*unit + SI_offset
noSpace : BOOLEAN. If true no space between a value and the unit-name. E.q. 12.3°
"m": {
"name": "m"
"cm": {
"name": "cm",
"SI_unit": "m",
"SI_factor": 0.01
"km": {
"name": "km",
"SI_unit": "m",
"SI_factor": 1000
"m s-1": {
"name": "m/s",
"decimals": 1
"nm h-1": {
"name": {"da":"knob", "en":"knots"},
"SI_unit": "m s-1",
"SI_factor": "1852/(60*60)"
"km h-1": {
"name": {"da":"km/t", "en":"km/h"},
"SI_unit": "m s-1",
"SI_factor": "1000/(60*60)"
Contains methods for
- Getting parameter and units
- Get parameter names with default units. E.q.
Temeprature (Air) [°C]
- Format value with units. E.q.
12.3 m/s
- Convert values between to units
See src/fcoo-parameter-unit.js
for documentation
This plugin is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2021 FCOO
Niels Holt [email protected]