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Move dropout to NNlib #2150

merged 11 commits into from
Feb 1, 2023
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ ChainRulesCore = "1.12"
Functors = "0.3, 0.4"
MLUtils = "0.2, 0.3.1, 0.4"
MacroTools = "0.5"
NNlib = "0.8.14"
NNlibCUDA = "0.2.4"
NNlib = "0.8.15"
NNlibCUDA = "0.2.6"
OneHotArrays = "0.1, 0.2"
Optimisers = "0.2.12"
ProgressLogging = "0.1"
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ LayerNorm

### Test vs. Train
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Flux.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Flux

using Base: tail
using LinearAlgebra, Statistics, Random # standard lib
using Random: default_rng
using MacroTools, Reexport, ProgressLogging, SpecialFunctions
using MacroTools: @forward

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/deprecations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ Base.@deprecate_binding ADADelta AdaDelta
# Remove sub-module Data, while making sure Flux.Data.DataLoader keeps working
Base.@deprecate_binding Data Flux false "Sub-module Flux.Data has been removed. The only thing it contained may be accessed as Flux.DataLoader"

@deprecate rng_from_array() default_rng_value()

function istraining()
Base.depwarn("Flux.istraining() is deprecated, use NNlib.within_gradient(x) instead", :istraining)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,6 +183,9 @@ function update!(opt::Optimise.AbstractOptimiser, ::Params, grads::Union{Tuple,

@deprecate rng_from_array() default_rng_value()
@deprecate default_rng_value() Random.default_rng()

# v0.14 deprecations

# Enable these when 0.14 is released, and delete const ClipGrad = Optimise.ClipValue etc:
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132 changes: 53 additions & 79 deletions src/layers/normalise.jl
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@@ -1,111 +1,85 @@

# Internal function, used only for layers defined in this file.
_isactive(m, x) = isnothing( ? NNlib.within_gradient(x) :

_dropout_shape(s, ::Colon) = size(s)
_dropout_shape(s, dims) = tuple((i ∉ dims ? 1 : si for (i, si) ∈ enumerate(size(s)))...)

_dropout_kernel(y::T, p, q) where {T} = y > p ? T(1 / q) : T(0)

dropout([rng = rng_from_array(x)], x, p; dims=:, active=true)

The dropout function. If `active` is `true`,
for each input, either sets that input to `0` (with probability
`p`) or scales it by `1 / (1 - p)`. `dims` specifies the unbroadcasted dimensions,
e.g. `dims=1` applies dropout along columns and `dims=2` along rows.
If `active` is `false`, it just returns the input `x`.

Specify `rng` for custom RNGs instead of the default RNG.
Note that custom RNGs are only supported on the CPU.

Warning: when using this function, you have to manually manage the activation
state. Usually in fact, dropout is used while training
but is deactivated in the inference phase. This can be
automatically managed using the [`Dropout`](@ref) layer instead of the
`dropout` function.

The [`Dropout`](@ref) layer is what you should use in most scenarios.
function dropout(rng, x, p; dims=:, active::Bool=true)
active || return x
y = dropout_mask(rng, x, p, dims=dims)
return x .* y
dropout(x, p; kwargs...) = dropout(rng_from_array(x), x, p; kwargs...)

dropout_mask(rng::CUDA.RNG, x::CuArray, p; kwargs...) = _dropout_mask(rng, x, p; kwargs...)
dropout_mask(rng, x::CuArray, p; kwargs...) =
throw(ArgumentError("x isa CuArray, but rng isa $(typeof(rng)). dropout_mask only support CUDA.RNG for CuArrays."))
dropout_mask(rng, x, p; kwargs...) = _dropout_mask(rng, x, p; kwargs...)
function _dropout_mask(rng, x, p; dims=:)
realfptype = float(real(eltype(x)))
y = rand!(rng, similar(x, realfptype, _dropout_shape(x, dims)))
y .= _dropout_kernel.(y, p, 1 - p)
return y

# TODO move this to NNlib
ChainRulesCore.@non_differentiable dropout_mask(::Any, ::Any, ::Any)
Dropout(p; dims=:, rng = default_rng())

Dropout(p; dims=:, rng = default_rng_value())
Layer implementing [dropout]( with the given probability.
This is used as a regularisation, i.e. to reduce overfitting.

Dropout layer.
While training, it sets each input to `0` (with probability `p`)
or else scales it by `1 / (1 - p)`, using the [`NNlib.dropout`](@ref) function.
While testing, it has no effect.

While training, for each input, this layer either sets that input to `0` (with probability
`p`) or scales it by `1 / (1 - p)`. To apply dropout along certain dimension(s), specify the
`dims` keyword. e.g. `Dropout(p; dims = 3)` will randomly zero out entire channels on WHCN input
(also called 2D dropout). This is used as a regularisation, i.e. it reduces overfitting during
By defaul the mode will switch automatically, but it can also
be controlled manually via [`Flux.testmode!`](@ref).

In the forward pass, this layer applies the [`Flux.dropout`](@ref) function. See that for more
By default every input is treated independently. The `dims` keyword
instead takes a random choice only along that dimension.
For example `Dropout(p; dims = 3)` will randomly zero out entire channels on WHCN input
(also called 2D dropout).

Specify `rng` to use a custom RNG instead of the default.
Custom RNGs are only supported on the CPU.

Does nothing to the input once [`Flux.testmode!`](@ref) is `true`.
Keyword `rng` lets you specify a custom random number generator.
(Only supported on the CPU.)

# Examples
julia> m = Chain(Dense(1 => 1), Dropout(1));
julia> m = Chain(Dense(ones(3,2)), Dropout(0.4))
Dense(2 => 3), # 9 parameters

julia> Flux.trainmode!(m);
julia> m(ones(2, 7)) # test mode, no effect
3×7 Matrix{Float64}:
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

julia> y = m([1]);
julia> Flux.trainmode!(m); # would happen within gradient

julia> y == [0]
julia> m(ones(2, 7))
3×7 Matrix{Float64}:
0.0 0.0 3.33333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3.33333 0.0 3.33333 0.0 3.33333 0.0 3.33333
3.33333 3.33333 0.0 3.33333 0.0 0.0 3.33333

julia> m = Chain(Dense(1000 => 1000), Dropout(0.5));
julia> y = m(ones(2, 10_000));

julia> Flux.trainmode!(m);
julia> using Statistics

julia> y = m(ones(1000));
julia> mean(y) # is about 2.0, as for test mode

julia> isapprox(count(==(0), y) / length(y), 0.5, atol=0.1)
julia> mean(iszero, y) # is about 0.4
mutable struct Dropout{F,D,R<:AbstractRNG}
mutable struct Dropout{F<:Real,D,R<:AbstractRNG}
active::Union{Bool, Nothing}
Dropout(p, dims, active) = Dropout(p, dims, active, default_rng_value())
Dropout(p::Real, dims, active) = Dropout(p, dims, active, default_rng())

function Dropout(p; dims=:, rng = default_rng_value())
@assert 0 ≤ p ≤ 1
function Dropout(p::Real; dims=:, rng = default_rng())
0 ≤ p ≤ 1 || throw(ArgumentError("Dropout expexts 0 ≤ p ≤ 1, got p = $p"))
if p isa Integer # Dropout(0)
return p==0 ? identity : zero
Dropout(p, dims, nothing, rng)

@functor Dropout
trainable(a::Dropout) = (;)

function (a::Dropout)(x)
_isactive(a, x) || return x
return dropout(a.rng, x, a.p; dims=a.dims, active=true)
if _isactive(a, x) && a.p != 0
dropout(a.rng, x, a.p; dims=a.dims)

testmode!(m::Dropout, mode=true) =
Expand All @@ -118,7 +92,7 @@ function, d::Dropout)

AlphaDropout(p; rng = default_rng_value())
AlphaDropout(p; rng = default_rng())

A dropout layer. Used in
[Self-Normalizing Neural Networks](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,8 +126,8 @@ mutable struct AlphaDropout{F,R<:AbstractRNG}
new{typeof(p), typeof(rng)}(p, active, rng)
AlphaDropout(p, active) = AlphaDropout(p, active, default_rng_value())
AlphaDropout(p; rng = default_rng_value()) = AlphaDropout(p, nothing, rng)
AlphaDropout(p, active) = AlphaDropout(p, active, default_rng())
AlphaDropout(p; rng = default_rng()) = AlphaDropout(p, nothing, rng)

@functor AlphaDropout
trainable(a::AlphaDropout) = (;)
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28 changes: 4 additions & 24 deletions src/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,32 +36,12 @@ epseltype(x) = eps(float(eltype(x)))

Create an instance of the RNG most appropriate for `x`.
The current defaults are:
- `x isa CuArray`: `CUDA.default_rng()`, else:
- `x isa AbstractArray`, or no `x` provided:
- Julia version is < 1.7: `Random.GLOBAL_RNG`
- Julia version is >= 1.7: `Random.default_rng()`
rng_from_array(::AbstractArray) = default_rng_value()
rng_from_array(::CuArray) = CUDA.default_rng()

@non_differentiable rng_from_array(::Any)

if VERSION >= v"1.7"
default_rng_value() = Random.default_rng()
default_rng_value() = Random.GLOBAL_RNG

Create an instance of the RNG most appropriate for array `x`.
If `x isa CuArray` then this is `CUDA.default_rng()`,
otherwise `Random.default_rng()`.
rng_from_array(x::AbstractArray) = NNlib._rng_from_array(x)

Create an instance of the default RNG depending on Julia's version.
- Julia version is < 1.7: `Random.GLOBAL_RNG`
- Julia version is >= 1.7: `Random.default_rng()`

glorot_uniform([rng = default_rng_value()], size...; gain = 1) -> Array
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/layers/normalisation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
using Flux, Test, Statistics
using Flux, Test, Statistics, Random
using Zygote: pullback, ForwardDiff

evalwgrad(f, x...) = pullback(f, x...)[1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ evalwgrad(f, x...) = pullback(f, x...)[1]
y = m(x)
@test count(a->a == 0, y) > 50

y = Flux.dropout(values(rng_kwargs)..., x, 0.9, active=true)
y = Flux.dropout(values(rng_kwargs)..., x, 0.9) # , active=true)
@test count(a->a == 0, y) > 50

y = Flux.dropout(values(rng_kwargs)..., x, 0.9, active=false)
y = Flux.dropout(values(rng_kwargs)..., x, 0.9 * 0) #, active=false)
@test count(a->a == 0, y) == 0

# CPU RNGs map onto CPU ok
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