- Create conf into apache site-available/,
- Create symbolic link in Document Root
- append local server name on hosts file,
- enable site
- reload apache
- List enabled sites
- VirtualHost name (ex: my_Virtual_Host)
- ServerName
- ServerAlias (ex: virtual_host.local)
- Apache Document Root: (ex: /var/www/html)
- Server Admin email
- Error Log name
- Custom Log name
- IP Server (ex
- Absolute path of of your project
_ _
__| | _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ (_) ___ /\ /\ /\ /\
/ _` || | | || '_ \ / _` || '_ ` _ \ | | / __| \ \ / / / /_/ /
| (_| || |_| || | | || (_| || | | | | || || (__ \ V / / __ /
\__,_| \__, ||_| |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_||_| \___| \_/ \/ /_/
Powered by Alfonso with ❤
Usage: vh [options] [args...]
-s Start program
-l List sites enabled
-v Version number
-h This help