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Project Maintainability Status

RitaVeiga edited this page Jun 4, 2022 · 6 revisions

Project Maintainability Status

To evaluate the project's maintainability, we will use a scaled rating from A to F to score the quality level of knowledge artifacts such as documentation, source code, community support, and others. The table below will be detailed and explain why we gave that rate and we will also suggest possible improvements on each artifact.

Issue code Documentation Source code Community support Suggestion of improvements
367 E C D
  • Try to document more about the project, namely the organization of the repository.
  • Built a more comprehensive start-up tutorial.
  • Of the few business logic modules, they were relativity well implemented.
  • Some modules were not yet finished (if you cloned the project and played a little bit around, there are still some tabs that return errors). We suggest enforcing the current PR policy only to merge things into the main branch if they are functional.
  • At the beginning of the project, there was a lot of community support (they answered comments). Still, they started to fade out throughout the semester, despite some activity on the discord server.
Note: they acknowledge that they have issues with documentation, so they propose documenting more of the existing project.
372 E C D The issue description should be more rigorous, in order to avoid different interpretations and misunderstandings.
337 E C D The issue description should be more rigorous, in order to avoid different interpretations and misunderstandings.
Final conclusions:

As the project is in an early phase of development, the documentation of the artifacts is reduced, however, the code quality is on average. We believe they are on a good path, and we would like to continue contributing to this community to help them help others.

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