Releases: GPUOpen-Drivers/AMDVLK
Releases · GPUOpen-Drivers/AMDVLK
Driver installation instruction
2025-3-13 update
New feature and improvement
- Add Navi48 support
Driver installation instruction
2025-2-28 update
New feature and improvement
- Update Khronos Vulkan Headers to 1.4.308
- Add Strix Halo support
- Performance tuning for Creo
- Handle VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS in ImageViewCreateInfo
- Enable ReportLargeLocalHeapForApu by default
Issue fix
- Corrupted Vulkan windows and Gnome File Manager (#393)
- Indiana Jones hang when RRA tracing enabled
- dEQP-VK.image* failures on Strix1
- Some CTS 1.4 Warnings
Driver installation instruction
2025-2-7 update
New feature and improvement
- Update Khronos Vulkan Headers to 1.4.304
- Performance tuning for yquake2
Issue fix
Driver installation instruction
2024-12-23 update
New feature and improvement
- Support Vulkan 1.4 with 1.4.303 header and compliant CTS version
- Performance tuning for some games: Baldur's Gate 3, Indiana Jones GC...
- Disable VK_EXT_image_2d_view_of_3d for sparse images
Issue fix
- VKD3D Ghost Runner demo soft hang with RT enabled
- Corruption in Superposition with Zink
Driver installation instruction
2024-12-4 update
New feature and improvement
- Update Khronos Vulkan Headers to 1.3.301
- Update compliant CTS version to
- Support extension VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace
- Support extension VK_KHR_compute_shader_derivatives
- Disable htile of external memory when creating image for interop with mesa GL
- Disable dcc when the application transitions to the feedback loop image layout (#375)
- Re-enable zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1_interface support
Issue fix
- VKCTS failure in dEQP-VK.pipeline.pipeline_library.graphics_library.misc.other.*
- VKCTS failure in VK.dgc.ext.compute* compute queue cases when running in batch
- Corruption in Blender 4.3.0 Beta
- Buffer overflow when the count of display modes exceeds MaxModePerScreen(64) (GPUOpen-Drivers/xgl#179)
- "Unknown()" events appearing in RGP captures
Driver installation instruction
2024-10-31 update
New feature and improvement
- Update Khronos Vulkan Headers to 1.3.297
- Add VkPhysicalDeviceImageCompressionControlFeaturesEXT for VK_EXT_image_compression_control
- Support extension VK_EXT_depth_clamp_control
- Support extension VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock
- Support extension VK_MESA_image_alignment_control for vkd3d
- Temporally disable zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1_interface support
Issue fix
- VKCTS failure in dEQP-VK.binding_model.descriptor_buffer.*
- Improper scaling is observed in games 1080p Resolution on Ubuntu24.04
- Corruption in '7Days To Die'
- vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties does not take into account VK_IMAGE_CREATE_BLOCK_TEXEL_VIEW_COMPATIBLE_BIT (GPUOpen-Drivers/xgl#178)
- GPU hang with VKD3D Raytracing sample (#298)
- Refresh rate problems (#268)
Driver installation instruction
2024-09-30 update
New feature and improvement
- Update Khronos Vulkan Headers to 1.3.295
- Performance tuning for Serious Sam and Talos principle
- Performance tuning for Rainbowsix Extraction on Navi33
- Remove NV31 PWS workaround
- Support extension VK_KHR_pipeline_binary
Issue fix
- VKCTS failure in dEQP-VK.pipeline.*.extended_dynamic_state.*.color_blend_att_count_0
- RT settings are grayed out in games such as Black Myth Wukong and Halo Infinite
- System Hang when entering tutorial mode in Halo Infinite
Driver installation instruction
2024-08-29 update
New feature and improvement
- Update Khronos Vulkan Headers to 1.3.293
- Support Strix 1
- Expose VK_KHR_maintenance7
- Further shader tuning for Counter-Strike 2
- Performance optimization for int16-vec4 test in VKPeak (#279)
Issue fix
- VKCTS random crash in dEQP-VK.wsi.wayland.swapchain.render.10swapchains2 when zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1_interface is enabled
- VKCTS failure for textureCompressionASTC_HDR support
Driver installation instruction
2024-08-13 update
New feature and improvement
- Update Khronos Vulkan Headers to 1.3.292
- Add official support for Ubuntu 24.04, retire official support for Ubuntu 20.04
- Performance tuning for SeriousSam4 and RainbowSixExtraction
- Optimize the d3d9 Strict float emulation path
Issue fix
- Corruption in 7 Days to Die and Coffin Of Andy And Leyley
- Hang and texture missing in Starfield
- Failure in VKD3D tests: test_renderpass_rendering and test_execute_indirect_*
- vkQueueSubmit2 does not respect VkCommandBufferSubmitInfo::deviceMask (GPUOpen-Drivers/xgl#173)
- CTS 1.3.7 failure in dEQP-VK.robustness.*.misc.out_of_bounds_stride*
- The fix in this release enables the game Starfield to run with AMDVLK
Driver installation instruction
2024-06-26 update
New feature and improvement
- Update Khronos Vulkan Headers to 1.3.287
- Enable the support for the cooperativeMatrix on gfx10
Issue fix
- TeamFortress 2 crash on launch
- CTS failure in dEQP-VK.pipeline.*.extended_dynamic_state.misc.dynamic_sample_shading_*
- Broken vkCmdBindVertexBuffers2 pSizes=NULL handling · Issue #321