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Collaboration Call: September 22, 2017

Audrey A edited this page Oct 18, 2017 · 2 revisions

1. Updates

  • Minutes added to Github going forward
  • Developer recruitment CODE is open to hiring someone who is remote, and will also consult with USG before making a decision for the NRP developer Phil will be POC for developer recruitment questions
  • UNGA Laura met with various people at UNGA and announced the launch. Website:
  • CODE splash page launch Not able to update splash page for accessibility given squarespace limitations but we will take these into consideration. CODE to consider Jekyll for full website
  • TO DO
  • CODE to invite Cecilia (OAS) to join USG calls
  • CODE to consider using the SDG logo (on for the full website

2. Previous Call Follow-Up

  • Call Transition with UNECE Haven’t heard on that call
  • TO DO
  • USG to follow up
  • Feedback for Tanzania Angela sent a PDF with things that could be useful, still unsure about how deep the sub-national level was going to go and which charts/graphs would be useful. The source code with basic description can be found at [] for the backend and [] for the public facing frontend. The above repositories are copies (forks) of [] and []
  • TO DO
  • USG to provide feedback before the next call
  • NRP development priorities Update on timeline: CODE is not bringing on a developer until October and so unable to provide technical support until then. Once the developer joins, we will set up calls with the POCs to discuss each priority in more detail. Need to verify status of Francisco in the project. He can offer Spanish translations.
  • TO DO

3. Upcoming events / conferences

  • CODE met with Cecilia from OAS. One potential follow up is a series of Webinars with OAS, potentially November. CODE to follow up with Cecilia and share updates with USG NRP team.
  • CODE to present in Korea next week on SDG NRP project, still waiting to hear back on Bahrain

4. Logistics n/a

5. Next Steps

  • Follow up on sub-national level reporting outside of these regular check-in calls;


  • CODE to send times around for a follow-up call
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