My personal site, and a demostration of building an htmx based app using aws lambda, api gateway and cloudfront.
- Cachix
- S3 Terraform State
- API Gateway
- Cloudfront
- Static Files
- SyncThing To get SyncThing working, we might need an ec2 instance that will host a SyncThing server to recieve all the data.
- Landing Page
- Notes Browser
- Projects Page
- About Me
- Resume Page
- Blog Index somewhat done, ready, but only displayed on index currently
- Coffee Today
A short form more regular way to post something. Easier talking point is what coffee did I have today, sort of a mini review... Probably won't be daily, but a good way to keep the site fresh.
- Ability to create coffee posts with simple form.
- Prompt user for images to upload.
- Preview before posting.
- Automatically add the date.
Schema akin to:
type Coffee struct {
Date time.Time
Title *string // optional - only replace default title if present
Roaster string
RoasterUrl *string
TastingNotes []string // optional
Pictures []string // store in tigris s3
Ideas []string // optional - short notes or ideas for the day, maybe like a 'did you know?'
- Users can view an index of coffee posts by date.
- The index shows the images from the post, title, and date.
- Homepage has a coffee mug that points to the most recent coffee post.
- Send me a coffee button that links to some way to send funds.
- Contact form for sending me a message... Maybe different from normal contact form, and prompt for optionally including a picture of your coffee.