Our paper is on arxiv!
To install the main dependencies, we recommand using conda. PyTorch can be installed with:
conda install pytorch pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
Install the remaining dependencies with pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download test set images
wget http://images.cocodataset.org/zips/test2014.zip
unzip test2014.zip
rm test2014.zip
Download checkpoint model
wget https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base/resolve/main/v2-1_512-ema-pruned.ckpt -P stable-diffusion-2-1-base/
Similar to the Stable Signature paper, this paper uses the COCO dataset to fine-tune the LDM decoder (we filtered images containing people). All you need is around 500 images for fine-tuning the LDM decoder (preferably over 256x256).
The watermark extractor model can be downloaded in the following link.
Model | Checkpoint |
Extractor | dec_48b.pth |
Create LDM configs and checkpoints from the Hugging Face and Stable Diffusion repositories. The code should also work for Stable Diffusion v1 without any change. For other models (like old LDMs or VQGANs), you may need to adapt the code to load the checkpoints.
Our novel algorithm builds upon the existing codebase of StableSignature. We extend our gratitude to the authors of StableSignature for open-sourcing their code and providing excellent documentation!
This code is based on the following repositories:
- https://github.com/facebookresearch/stable_signature
- https://github.com/Stability-AI/stablediffusion
- https://github.com/SteffenCzolbe/PerceptualSimilarity
To train the watermark encoder/extractor, you can also refer to the following repository https://github.com/ando-khachatryan/HiDDeN.
The script is specified in slurmscript
in the root directory, which is a batch file being used on an HPC. This file can be used as a sample to finetune the LDM decoder.
python Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/finetune_ldm_decoder.py --num_keys 1 \
--ldm_config Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/stable-diffusion-2-1/v2-inference.yaml \
--ldm_ckpt Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/stable-diffusion-2-1-base/v2-1_512-ema-pruned.ckpt \
--msg_decoder_path Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/models/dec_48b_whit.torchscript.pt \
--train_dir Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/train2014500/ \
--val_dir Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/test2014/
python Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/tamper_resistant_training.py --num_keys 1 \
--ldm_config Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/stable-diffusion-2-1/v2-inference.yaml \
--ldm_ckpt Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/stable-diffusion-2-1-base/v2-1_512-ema-pruned.ckpt \
--msg_decoder_path Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/models/dec_48b_whit.torchscript.pt \
--train_dir Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/train2014500/ \
--val_dir Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/test2014/ \
--atrain_dir Tamper_Resistant_Stable_Signature/train2014_10000/ \
--finetuned_ckpt /scratch/gb2762/output/checkpoint_000.pth \
--strategy 1 \
--inner_steps 50 \
--outer_steps 100 \
--steps 100"
The majority of this code is licensed under CC-BY-NC, however portions of the project are available under separate license terms: src/ldm
and src/taming
are licensed under the MIT license.
If you like our work, consider giving us a star and citing our paper as -
title={RoboSignature: Robust Signature and Watermarking on Network Attacks},
author={Aryaman Shaan and Garvit Banga and Raghav Mantri},