##What is it
Evolved from react-antd-admin, there are following changes:
####1. Import reflux
state is maintained by reflux
####2. Complement UI
add more ui: login form / register form / menu / multiple tags / list / pagination / form / form validation ...
##Special coding conventions / Advices about Reflux
I come up with a coding conventions:
####1. Simple Action + Heavy Store
Action is a simple interface to called by Component and listened by Store, and do no logic work. Just keep it simple.
Store is a handler which listens to Action, and do all logic work, e.g. sending request / calculate new data. Just keep it heavy.
Don't write the logic code in Action by using Actions.load.listen(() => { ... })
, write it in Store.
####2. Multiple Action and Store
Don't keep everything in a single Store, different usages lead to different Action and Store.
One Store responses to one Action.
Keep it simple, small, clean and effective.
####3. Store keeps common state + Component keeps unique state
If some state is rendered and updated(Action will trigger update) by single Component, just keep it in this Component, don't pollute Store.
####4. Update Store's state and Component's state separately
In the situation of asynchronous request, you may want to update state in both Store and Component, use reflux-promise to handle it.
UserActions.login(data.user, data.password) // update Store's state
.then((user) => {
this.setState({user}); // update Component's state
####5. Component care about part of Store's state use reflux-partial to connect part of state from Store to Component.
Just clone the repo and install the necessary node modules:
$ git clone https://github.com/shigebeyond/React-Reflux-Ant.Design-demo
$ cd React-Reflux-Ant.Design-demo
$ npm install
$ npm start
从 react-antd-admin 演变而来, 有以下更改:
####1. 引入 reflux
####2. 完善UI组件
添加更多的UI组件: 登陆 / 注册 / 菜单 / 多页签 / 列表 / 分页 / 表单 / 表单校验 ...
##特有的代码规范 / 编码建议
####1. 简单 Action + 厚重 Store
Action 只是一个被组件调用 + 被Store监听的简单接口, 不做业务处理. 请保持他的简单.
Store 是一个监听Action的处理器, 做所有的业务处理, 例如发送请求 / 计算新数据. 请保持他的厚重.
请不要通过 Actions.load.listen(() => { ... })
来在 Action 中编写业务逻辑的代码, 请在 Store 中编写.
####2. 多个Action + 多个Store
请不要将所有东西都放到一个Store中, 不同的用途请给出不同 Action 和 Store.
一个 Store 对一个 Action 负责.
请让他保持简单, 短小, 清爽与有效.
####3. Store 保存公共状态 + 组件保存特有状态
如果某个状态只在一个组件内渲染与更新(Action 会触发状态更新), 那么请将该状态放在该组件内, 不要放在 Store 中.
####4. 分开更新 Store 与组件的状态
在异步请求的情况下, 你可以需要同时更新 Store 和组件的状态, 请使用 reflux-promise 来处理.
UserActions.login(data.user, data.password) // 更新 Store 状态
.then((user) => {
this.setState({user}); // 更新组件状态
####5. 组件只关心 Store 中的部分状态的变化 请使用 reflux-partial 来将 Store 中的部分状态绑定到组件中
克隆仓库, 并安装相应的库:
$ git clone https://github.com/shigebeyond/React-Reflux-Ant.Design-demo
$ cd React-Reflux-Ant.Design-demo
$ npm install
$ npm start