Web Application for the classfication of mushroom belonging to 3 categories Boletus, Lactarius, Russula using CNN.
Mushrooms are a type of fungi that grow in a variety of habitats, from forests to fields to decomposing logs. They come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors, and are used for food, medicine, and other purposes. A mushroom is a fruitful body of fungus which is usually produced above the ground on soil or other nutrients. We only concentrate on mushrooms and do not consider fungus species. Our purpose is the optical recognition of species which have cap, gills underside of cap and astern and typically the full body is visible on the image.
In this project we are classifying various types of Mushrooms that are found on various regions of our planet. These Mushrooms are majorly classified into 3 categories namely Boletus, Lactarius & Russula. We used a Transfer Learning technique Xception which was highly effective. The main goal of the project is to develop a mushroom identification system that can accurately identify and classify three major mushroom species: Boletus, Lactarius, and Russula. xThis taxonomic analysis can contribute to a better understanding of mushroom taxonomy.
- Download the repository or clone it locally
- Open the folder Flask folder inside Project in vscode
- Run the app.py file