StaffSpy is a staff scraper library for LinkedIn.
- Scrapes staff from a company on LinkedIn
- Obtains skills, experiences, certifications & more
- Aggregates the employees in a Pandas DataFrame
Video Guide for StaffSpy - updated for release v0.1.4
pip install -U staffspy
Python version >= 3.10 required
from pathlib import Path
from staffspy import LinkedInAccount, SolverType
session_file = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "session.pkl"
account = LinkedInAccount(
# credentials - remove these to sign in with browser
username="[email protected]",
solver_api_key="CAP-6D6A8CE981803A309A0D531F8B4790BC", # optional but needed if hit with captcha
session_file=str(session_file), # save login cookies to only log in once (lasts a week or so)
log_level=1, # 0 for no logs
# search by company
staff = account.scrape_staff(
search_term="software engineer",
extra_profile_data=True, # fetch all past experiences, schools, & skills
max_results=50, # can go up to 1000
# or fetch by user ids
users = account.scrape_users(
user_ids=['williamhgates', 'rbranson', 'jeffweiner08']
staff.to_csv("staff.csv", index=False)
users.to_csv("users.csv", index=False)
If you rather use a browser to log in, install the browser add-on to StaffSpy .
pip install staffspy[browser]
Do not pass the username
& password
params, then a browser will open to sign in to LinkedIn on the first sign-in. Press enter after signing in to begin scraping.
profile_id | name | first_name | last_name | location | age | position | followers | connections | premium | company | past_company1 | past_company2 | school | extra_school | skill1 | skill2 | skill3 | is_connection | premium | creator | potential_email | profile_link | profile_photo |
javiersierra2102 | Javier Sierra | Javier | Sierra | London, England, United Kingdom | 39 | Software Engineer | 735 | 725 | FALSE | OpenAI | Meta | Oculus VR | Hult International Business School | Universidad Simón Bolívar | Java | JavaScript | C++ | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | [email protected], [email protected] | https://www.linkedin.com/in/javiersierra2102 | https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D03AQHEyUg1kGT08Q/profile-displayphoto-shrink_800_800/0/1516504680512?e=1727913600&v=beta&t=3enCmNDBtJ7LxfbW6j1hDD8qNtHjO2jb2XTONECxUXw |
dougli | Douglas Li | Douglas | Li | London, England, United Kingdom | 37 | @ OpenAI UK, previously at Meta | 583 | 401 | FALSE | OpenAI | Shift Lab | Washington University in St. Louis | Java | Python | JavaScript | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | [email protected], [email protected] | https://www.linkedin.com/in/dougli | https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E03AQETmRyb3_GB8A/profile-displayphoto-shrink_800_800/0/1687996628597?e=1727913600&v=beta&t=HRYGJ4RxsTMcPF1YcSikXlbz99hx353csho3PWT6fOQ | ||
nkartashov | Nick Kartashov | Nick | Kartashov | London, England, United Kingdom | 33 | Software Engineer | 2186 | 2182 | TRUE | OpenAI | DeepMind | St. Petersburg Academic University | Bioinformatics Institute | Teamwork | Java | Haskell | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | [email protected], [email protected] | https://www.linkedin.com/in/nkartashov | https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E03AQEjOKxC5UgwWw/profile-displayphoto-shrink_800_800/0/1680706122689?e=1727913600&v=beta&t=m-JnG9nm0zxp1Z7njnInwbCoXyqa3AN-vJZntLfbzQ4 |
├── session_file (str):
| file path to save session cookies, so only one manual login is needed.
| can use mult profiles this way
| For automated login
├── username (str):
| linkedin account email
├── password (str):
| linkedin account password
├── solver_service (SolverType):
| solves the captcha using the desired service - either CapSolver, or 2Captcha (worse of the two)
├── solver_api_key (str):
| api key for the solver provider
├── log_level (int):
| Controls the verbosity of the runtime printouts
| (0 prints only errors, 1 is info, 2 is all logs. Default is 0.)
├── company_name (str):
| company identifier on linkedin, will search for that company if that company id does not exist
| e.g. openai from https://www.linkedin.com/company/openai
├── user_id (str):
| alternative to company_name, provide user identifier on linkedin, will scrape this user's company
| e.g. dougmcmillon from https://www.linkedin.com/in/dougmcmillon
├── search_term (str):
| staff title to search for
| e.g. software engineer
├── location (str):
| location the staff resides
| e.g. london
├── extra_profile_data (bool)
| fetches educations, experiences, skills, certifications (Default false)
├── max_results (int):
| number of staff to fetch, default/max is 1000 for a search imposed by LinkedIn
├── user_ids (list):
| user ids to scrape from
| e.g. dougmcmillon from https://www.linkedin.com/in/dougmcmillon
- only 1000 max results per search
- extra_profile_data increases runtime by O(n)
- if rate limited, the program will stop scraping
- if using non-browser sign in, turn off 2fa
├── Personal Information
│ ├── search_term
│ ├── id
│ ├── name
│ ├── first_name
│ ├── last_name
│ ├── location
│ └── bio
├── Professional Details
│ ├── position
│ ├── profile_id
│ ├── profile_link
│ ├── potential_emails
│ └── estimated_age
├── Social Connectivity
│ ├── followers
│ ├── connections
│ └── mutuals_count
├── Status
│ ├── influencer
│ ├── creator
│ ├── premium
│ └── is_connection
├── Visuals
│ └── profile_photo
├── Skills
│ ├── name
│ └── endorsements
├── Experiences
│ ├── from_date
│ ├── to_date
│ ├── duration
│ ├── title
│ ├── company
│ ├── location
│ └── emp_type
├── Certifications
│ ├── title
│ ├── issuer
│ ├── date_issued
│ ├── cert_id
│ └── cert_link
└── Educational Background
├── years
├── school
└── degree
Q: Can I get my account banned?
A: It is a possibility, although there are no recorded incidents. Let me know if you are the first.
Q: Scraped 999 staff members, with 869 hidden LinkedIn Members?
A: It means your LinkedIn account is bad. Not sure how they classify it but unverified email, new account, low connections and a bunch of factors go into it.
Q: Encountering issues with your queries?
A: If problems
persist, submit an issue.