This python module contains the code used internally within HELP to process our data.
The easiest way is to install the module in development mode using conda. Provided you installed Anaconda or miniconda here are the commands to run:
$ conda create -n herschelhelp_internal
$ conda activate herschelhelp_internal
$ conda install -c openastronomy astropy healpy scipy seaborn
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .
You will need to activate this new environment with source activate herschelhelp_internal
when you want to use this module.
If one need to use this code inside a Jupyter notebook, one should install the notebook stuff:
$ conda install notebook
and add the environment Python to the list of kernels for Jupyter:
$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name helpint --display-name "Python (herschelhelp_internal)"
The notebooks must be set to use this kernel.
Note: maybe it's not mandatory to install the full notebook and only the ipykernel is required if Jupyter is already installed on the system.
To compute the E(B-V) at each source position, we are using the sfdmap
package that needs the Schlegel, Finkbeiner
& Davis (1998) dust maps. The script
will download them and
place them in the directory herschelhelp_internal/sfd_data/
where they are
expected by our wrapper function. This must be done only once.