Collection of short stupid scripts made by me to automate boring/stupid stuff, don't expect anything special, I do each script in less than 10 mins (or about 10 mins)
Short script that deletes the copies marked with '(n)'. Where n is the number of copies
EXAMPLE OF A FILE: "IMG-130130.jpg"
EXAMPLE OF A COPY: "IMG-130130 (1).jpg"
The scripts deletes the copy and leaves the original file in the dir.
Put the script in the directory where the copies are found. Execute in the terminal the command:
The script counts all the lines of code in a C project except for the empty lines, but it doesn't exclude the lines of comments.
Put the script in the root directory of your C project, and run:
The script will find all the subdirectories and files and it will do the job on its own.
I added this here just because it should be considered as a script, this removes the % rappresentation of char and changes them with the normal one, example of string:
output result:
example EXAMPLE/
2 ways of usage, give string as argument or string via stdin.
To pass string via argument do:
gcc rm-%.c -o rm-% -D ARG
gcc rm-%.c -o rm-%.exe -D ARG
then run the script as usual for any compiled program.