This is the best[citation needed] rails API for parking cars! ( bicycles, trucks and all other vehicles not currently supported ).
Using docker you can get a copy of the project up and running for development and testing purposes in no time. See deployment for notes on how to use the Dockerfile_prod locally.
Build image
docker-compose build
Run container
docker-compose up
To use application, send requests:
# parks car with plate 'AAB-0001'
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/cars' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "plate": "AAB-0001" }'
# returns useful routes
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/'
Getting a shell into the container
docker exec -it parking_rails_1 bash
With our development container running, type:
docker exec parking_rails_1 bundle exec rspec
Follow this instructions to run a prod container on a local machine
Build image
docker build . -f Dockerfile_prod -t parking-prod
Run container for the first time
docker run -it --name parking_prod -p 3000:3000 parking-prod
Restarting container after first run
docker start -ia parking_prod
Getting a shell into the container
docker exec -it parking_prod bash