This is a collection of MATLAB codes to reproduce all the figures in our paper "Bypassing the quadrature exactness assumption of hyperinterpolation on the sphere," which has been published in Journal of Complexity (vol. 80, paper no. 101789) in 2024.
- As names of these M.files indicate, each M.file corresponding to the reproduction of the indicated figure in the paper.
- For illustrating hyperinterpolants rather than error curves, please visit our another repository MZHyper. More point sets are available in this repository.
- Please download the sphere_approx_toolbox_v3.0 (available here) and add it onto path before running the codes.
- Please go to /sphere_approx_toolbox_v3.0/utilities/ and change the bold part of the path '/Users/haoningwu/Documents/MATLAB/BypaHyper/sphere_approx_toolbox_v3.0/data/xx' in loadMD.m, loadME.m, and loadStd.m to your own path storing the sphere_approx_toolbox_v3.0. Otherwise, MATLAB would report error:
The file '/Users/haoningwu/Documents/MATLAB/BypaHyper/sphere_approx_toolbox_v3.0/data/xx/xxxx' could not be opened because: No such file or directory