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FiveM Prometheus

This resource adds a Prometheus endpoint to your FX Server.
There are some default metrics available and you can add yours.

Default metrics


Name Type Description
fxs_player_count Gauge Number of connected players
fxs_player_connections Counter Number of player connections
fxs_player_disconnections Counter Number of player disconnections
fxs_average_player_latency Gauge Average player latency
fxs_players_latency Histogram Players latency
fxs_min_player_ping Gauge Minimum player ping
fxs_max_player_ping Gauge Maximum player ping


Convars available:

Name Type Default value Description
prometheus_timeout int 5000 Interval in ms to collect data
prometheus_auth_enabled int 0 Protects the endpoint with credentials if true (1)
prometheus_login string "admin" Endpoint login
prometheus_password string "admin" Endpoint password

Prometheus configuration

# A scrape configuration containing exactly one FXS endpoint to scrape.
  - job_name: 'fxserver'
    scrape_interval: 60s
      username: admin
      password: admin
    metrics_path: /prometheus/metrics
      - targets: ['']


Using the server events gauge

In order to make the server events gauge work, you need to add this line on top of already registered server scripts in fxmanifest.lua Replace prometheus with whatever your prometheus resource name is.

server_script '@prometheus/eventHandler.lua'

Add a new metric

 * @event prometheus:addMetric
 * @param {string} type - The metric type, i.e. Gauge.
 * @param {string} name - The metric name.
 * @param {string} description - The metric description.
 * @param {function} cb - A callback function to update the metric with a method name (i.e. set) and a value.
TriggerEvent("prometheus:addMetric", "Gauge", "fxs_gauge_example", "Gauge example.", function(cb)
    if math.random(0, 1) == 1 then
      cb("set", 42)
      cb("set", 1664)

Using the Prometheus data in Grafana

We supplied a grafanaDashboard.json including a example Grafana dashboard to use. To use it refer to Grafana Documentation