Collaborative Group Project
Beth Rissman Leah Wilner Kati Lee Eva Grace Smith
- Organization
- Someone seeking help
- Someone offering/volunteering help
As someone that is seeking help, I want to remain anonymous
As someone offering help, I want to view needs within my community -Image of need -Description/Details of need (senior vs child, service vs financial vs gift)
Matched or not?
As someone offering help, I want to see images
As someone offering help, I want to view details.
As someone offering help, I want to enter my contact information
As someone offering help, I’d like to filter my options -By type of need (service, financial, gift, food) -By who is in need (senior citizen, child, pet, etc)
As a community member I’d like to know what mission of the organization is -Add about us page
As a community member I’d like to know more about the individuals that are running the organization
Highlight team members
As an organization, I want to let the community know that there are people seeking help
As an organization, I’d like to see the percent of people “matched” or needs fulfilled
As an organization, I’d like to a visual representation of the status of needs available and needs met
Photo credits:
Image by FABIANNE SIBBIO from Pixabay
Image by DAO NGUYEN from Pixabay