PDFMore, an application used to operate PDF, wrote by using Python. Based on ttkbootstrap, it looks more beautiful rather than traditional tk/ttk style. The project is based on the project PDFeXpress
- Python 3.9.13
- ordered-set==4.1.0
- Pillow==9.4.0
- psutil==5.9.1
- PyMuPDF==1.20.2
- ttkbootstrap==1.9.0
- pdfplumber==0.7.4
- openpyxl==3.0.10
- tkinterdnd2==0.3.0
- pdf2docx==0.5.6
- numpy==1.24.1
- opencv-python==
The current version is 1.0.0-Release, tested on Windows 7 , 10 and 11.
Merge: Merge multiple PDF files into one PDF
Split: Splits a PDF into multiple PDFs, supporting single page splitting, split by number of pages, by number of copies, and by range
Rotate : Rotate each PDF page with 90° clockwise, counterclockwise, and 180°
Compression: Reduces PDF file size by compressing the images contained in the page
Extract Images: Extracts the images contained in the PDF file and saves them in the original data format
Extract Text: Extracts plain text contained in a PDF file, without formatting
PDF to Image : Converts each entire pages of a PDF file to images
Image to PDF: Converts images file to PDF.
PDF to DOCX: Converts PDF to docx file.
PDF to EXCEL: Converts/Extracts table and then write to excel file from PDF files.
There are two type binary, installer and portable packages. Download
and install or unzip it, run PDFMore.exe
If you want to build the application yourself. Please follow these steps below(You need to install pyinstaller first). It is recommended to use a python virtual environment:
> git clone https://github.com/HoxinhLuo/PDFMore.git
> cd PDFMore
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> python build_pyinstaller.py
The compiled binary package and installer are saved in release