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installer edited this page Feb 10, 2025 · 1 revision

🎗️ WAYBAR or BAR related FAQ


Rename your waybar configs and styles that you have costumized so it wont be overwritten during upgrade

♨️ Waybar modules are missing on some waybar layouts.

  • Every waybar layouts are unique. You need to add manually or reorganize the waybar modules according to your preference.

  • Make sure that once you do the changes, to rename the configs and styles. So you can easily copy over whenever there is an update.

    • waybar font too big or too small. Edit the font-size in waybar styles located in ~/.config/waybar/styles/ . By default, it is set to 97%. After adjusting the GTK font scaling to your liking, edit all the waybar styles. Reduce or increase according to your needs. NOTE that its on percent %. You can also change to px whichever suits you. Note: This corresponds well with nwg-look (GTK Settings). So suggest to adjust first your font settings using nwg-look. And then adjust the waybar.

    • if you want 12h format instead of 24H format, edit the ~/.config/waybar/modules look for clock. for 12h format, should be like %I:%M%P; for 24H format, %H:%M:%S.. ensure to disable one format by adding // before that line. For clock formatting, you can use website:

    • NOTE!!! some waybars layouts have a separate modules baked into their respective configs (ie Peony, Chrysanthemum, Camelia, etc) and does not get all modules from main waybar modules file. Edit each configs accordingly to your liking (~/.config/waybar/configs)

    • Regarding the waybar keyboard module, If you want to add in different waybar layout, the module name is custom/keyboard. Kindly NOTE that this will read your kb_layout in your Settings.conf. to change kb_layout, add in your Settings.conf .... i.e. kb_layout=us,es,ru and then refresh waybar (SUPER ALT R), then you can change keyboard by left clicking the keyboard module.

    • unwanted waybar module:

      • Simplest is to edit ~/.config/waybar/modules . Put // before or delete that module.
      • Or you dont really need to worry about since the modules not defined on waybar configs are not loaded.
      • So best and recommended to is to edit both the configs and styles that you prefer on configs and styles folder in ~/.config/waybar . Then simply load it.

    [!NOTE] DO NOT edit directly the files ~/.config/waybar/config and ~/.config/waybar/style.css These two files are only symlinks to files in ~/.config/waybar/configs/ and ~/.config/waybar/styles/

➰ waybar customizations (Hyprland Workspaces)

  • plenty waybar hyprland/workspaces to choose from. Circle, Roman Number, Kanji pacman, and workspace number and icons. Assign accordingly on waybar configs of choice as per above. Check ~/.config/waybar/modules for their modules names . i.e. hyprland/workspaces#kanji

🏖️ Weather app related for Waybar and Hyprlock

  • By default, is in use for weather module in waybar and so as data for hyprlock (lockscreen).
  • To change between and, edit ~/.config/waybar/ModulesCustom locate custom/weather line 15. Remove // on //"exec": "~/.config/hypr/UserScripts/", and put // on line "exec": "~/.config/hypr/UserScripts/", . SUPER ALT R to refresh waybar
  • (Default weather app in waybar) edit ~/.config/hypr/UserScripts/ to add your city. Make sure a major city in your Area. Delete rbn folder in ~/.cache and refresh waybar, SUPER ALT R
  • Starting from v2.2.10, the python based Weather script (~/.config/hypr/UserScripts/ needs some tinkering on changing desired city. Explanation on how to add location is on the script

🖼️ wallpaper / styling stuff

  • CTRL ALT w wallpaper shuffle (right click on wallpaper  waybar module)

  • Super w wallpaper select (click on wallpaper waybar  module) add more wallpaper in ~/Pictures/wallpapers

  • right click on update  waybar module wallpaper cycle using swww
  • for the wallpaper styles and configurations, you can watch my video about it
  • scripts for wallpaper stuff are located in ~/.config/hypr/UserScripts file names
  • if your wallpapers are on a different path, edit the scripts above.

🔣 waybar-cava broken

  • This is because LANG on locale was not set. You can set your system locale by

edit /etc/locale.conf and add


alternatively, run:

sudo localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  • set the LANG=en_US.UTF-8 according to your locale. See this Arch Wiki . Note this wiki is applicable for any systemd distros

🫢 waybar idle-inhibitor

  • this one is mostly ask. LINK

♨ Waybar CPU Showing Wrong Temperature

  • to change from deg C to deg F , edit the ~/.config/waybar/modules look for "temperature". Change the format to "format": "{temperatureF}°F {icon}",

  • to fix the temperature if not showing correctly, edit the hwmon-path accordingly and/or thermal_zone in ~/.config/waybar/Modules

  • To list all the zone types, run

 for i in /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*; do echo "$i: $(<$i/type)"; done
  • If you don't have a thermal zone, another option is to use sensors to find preferred temperature source, then run
for i in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input; do echo "$(<$(dirname $i)/name): $(cat ${i%_*}_label 2>/dev/null || echo $(basename ${i%_*})) $(readlink -f $i)"; done 
  • look for K10temp for AMD CPU and coretemp for Intel CPU's hen include it in hwmon-path variable.
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