This repository contains a Python implementation of a neural network trained using Deep Q-Learning to play the game 2048. It is very basic project created mostly by following pytorch reinforcement learning tutorial.
Network contains 4 fully connected layers:
- Input layer: 272 nodes (board 4x4, onehot encoding for tile value)
- 2 hidden layers: 256 nodes
- Output layer: 4 nodes (4 actions: up, right, down, left)
Activation function is leaky ReLU between each layer. Cost is calculated with SmoothL1Loss
function with beta = 1.
Reward for move is sum of binary logarithms of values of connected tiles. If agent perfoms move thad doesn't change enviroment state at all, it receives negative reward: -15. Loosing game is punished with negative reward: -10.
In order to prevent getting stuck making the same invalid action, after one of these, if agent decide to do it again, it is forced to make random move.
Agent implements experience replay with memory of 1000 (state, action, next_state, reward) tuples in queue. Each batch is randomly chosen from memory. Gradient descent is perfomed after each move.
: Contains the class with Deep Q-Learning agent implementation. You can experiment with various hyperparameters such as BATCH_SIZE, GAMMA, EPS_START, EPS_END, EPS_DECAY, TAU, and LR to improve the performance of the
: Defines the neural network architecture using PyTorch. The model consists of an input layer, two hidden layers, and an output layer with leaky ReLU activation functions between each
: Implements enviroment. It inherits from my 2048 game repository.trained.pth
: Includes a pre-trained model ready to use for playing the 2048 game.
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install requirements.txt
- Run the script to see the trained model in action:
If you wish to train the model with different hyperparameters, pass your custom parameters to Agent constructor and run train()
method. You can change network structure in
In progress