Betwixt is a quick way to ease and tween between any generic types, and provides a robust API.
You can get the latest repository here, or download precompiled library files from the releases tab
You can also get this package using Nuget!
For x86: PM > Install-Package betwixt
Please reference the documentation located in the /doc folder. Here is a very small overview, however:
General Use:
// Initialisation
Tweener<float> tweener = new Tweener<float>(0, 10, 2, Ease.Elastic.Out);
// Update
// Anywhere
float newValue = tweener.Value;
You can also use your own custom type, with it's own lerp function (or let generics handle it)
TimeSpan length = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
Tweener<Vector2> tweener = new Tweener<Vector2>(startVector, endVector, length, Ease.Linear, Vector2.Lerp);
You can also specify your own ease function and make it into a set (or use the function directly)
IEase myEaseSet = Generic.CreateFromOut(myEaseOutFunction);
Tweener<float> tweener = new Tweener<float>(0, 10, 2, myEaseSet.InOut);
Betwixt is flexible, and as long as your ease function matches the correct signature, you can use anything you want!
If you had a custom graph curve which had a "float GetValueAtTime(float time)" function you could even use:
CustomGraphCurve myCustomGraphCurve = new CustomGraphCurve(graphPoints);
Tweener<float> tweener = new Tweener<float>(0, 10, 2, myCustomGraphCurve.GetValueAtTime);
Hopefully this inspires you to think of creative ways to use Betwixt!