- Pytorch
- Numpy
- transformers
Note that the server MUST be running on Python>=3.5 with Pytorch>=1.10.
To install additional packages used by this project run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download pre-trained BERT (large-cased)
$ cd external/bert # from repo home
$ wget https://storage.googleapis.com/bert_models/2018_10_18/cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16.zip
$ unzip cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16.zip
Download pre-trained GloVe (Common Crawl, 840B tokens)
$ cd external/glove # from repo home
$ wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.840B.300d.zip
$ unzip glove.840B.300d.zip
Download the WSD Evaluation Framework
$ cd external/wsd_eval # from repo home
$ wget http://lcl.uniroma1.it/wsdeval/data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework.zip
$ unzip WSD_Evaluation_Framework.zip
After obtaining word embeddings and contextualised embeddings, we can train the model using this:
usage: train_linear_diagonal.py [-h]
[--glove_embedding_path GLOVE_EMBEDDING_PATH]
[--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS] [--loss {standard}]
[--emb_dim EMB_DIM]
[--diagonalize DIAGONALIZE] [--device DEVICE]
[--bert BERT] [--wsd_fw_path WSD_FW_PATH]
[--dataset {semcor,semcor_omsti}]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--lr LR]
[--merge_strategy {mean,first,sum}]
Word Sense Mapping
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--glove_embedding_path GLOVE_EMBEDDING_PATH
--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
--loss {standard}
--emb_dim EMB_DIM
--diagonalize DIAGONALIZE
--device DEVICE
--bert BERT
--wsd_fw_path WSD_FW_PATH
Path to Semcor
--dataset {semcor,semcor_omsti}
Name of dataset
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size
--lr LR Learning rate
--merge_strategy {mean,first,sum}
WordPiece Reconstruction Strategy
Usage description.
$ python eval.py -h
usage: eval.py [-h] [-glove_embedding_path GLOVE_EMBEDDING_PATH]
[-sv_path SV_PATH] [-load_weight_path LOAD_WEIGHT_PATH]
[-wsd_fw_path WSD_FW_PATH]
[-test_set {senseval2,senseval3,semeval2007,semeval2013,semeval2015,ALL}]
[-batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [-merge_strategy MERGE_STRATEGY]
[-ignore_pos] [-thresh THRESH] [-k K] [-quiet] [-device DEVICE]
WSD Evaluation.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-glove_embedding_path GLOVE_EMBEDDING_PATH
-sv_path SV_PATH Path to sense vectors (default: data/vectors/senseMatr
-load_weight_path LOAD_WEIGHT_PATH
-wsd_fw_path WSD_FW_PATH
Path to WSD Evaluation Framework (default:
-test_set {senseval2,senseval3,semeval2007,semeval2013,semeval2015,ALL}
Name of test set (default: ALL)
-batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size (default: 64)
-merge_strategy MERGE_STRATEGY
WordPiece Reconstruction Strategy (default: mean)
-ignore_pos Ignore POS features (default: True)
-thresh THRESH Similarity threshold (default: -1)
-k K Number of Neighbors to accept (default: 2)
-quiet Less verbose (debug=False) (default: True)
-device DEVICE
To replicate, use as follows:
$ python eval.py -sv_path data/vectors/senseMatrix.semcor_diagonal_linear_large_300_200.npz -test_set ALL
You'll need to download the WiC dataset and place it in 'external/wic/':
$ cd external/wic
$ wget https://pilehvar.github.io/wic/package/WiC_dataset.zip
$ unzip WiC_dataset.zip
Usage description.
usage: train_classifier.py [-h] [--emb_dim EMB_DIM]
[-glove_embedding_path GLOVE_EMBEDDING_PATH]
[-eval_set {train,dev,test}] [-sv_path SV_PATH]
[-load_weight_path LOAD_WEIGHT_PATH]
[-out_path OUT_PATH] [-device DEVICE]
Evaluation of WiC solution using LMMS for sense comparison.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--emb_dim EMB_DIM
-glove_embedding_path GLOVE_EMBEDDING_PATH
-eval_set {train,dev,test}
Evaluation set
-sv_path SV_PATH Path to sense vectors
-load_weight_path LOAD_WEIGHT_PATH
-out_path OUT_PATH Path to .pkl classifier generated
-device DEVICE
To train binary classifier, use:
$ python train_classifier.py
Evaluation using Classifier
$ python eval_classifier_wic.py