Fundamental Microscopic Properties as Predictors of Large-Scale Quantities of Interest: Validation through Grain Boundary Energy Trends
Supporting data and code for (
Authors: Benjamin A. Jasperson, Ilia Nikiforov, Amit Samanta, Brandon Runnels, Harley T. Johnson, Ellad B. Tadmor
- Create a conda environment using the attached yml file.
- Activate conda environment.
- Install wield per the instructions. This research utilized the 51f96b4 commit, which should install in the conda environment provided.
Dataset and script descriptions.
- df_analytical.csv: lattice-matching model GB curves.
- df_md_avg.csv: averages of IP-generated GB curves and property data from OpenKIM.
- df_merge_all.csv: combined dataset of OpenKIM IP and analytical results, with outlier removal and filtering applied (see for workflow). Includes scaling coefficient.
- df_merge_raw.csv: raw dataset from OpenKIM, prior to data_import workflow.
- df_merge.csv: subset of df_merge_all, filtered by tilt axis and duplicates removed.
- dft.csv: dft dataset.
- gb_dft_combined.csv: merge individual lines from gb_dft.csv so they are grouped by species and tilt axis.
- gb_dft.csv: original GB DFT results, from Crystalium database.
- prop_table.csv: property descriptions for manuscript.
- stats.csv: database stats.
- used to generate bibfile/citations for all IPs used.
- plotting and analysis for manuscript/supplemental. Includes GB plots for manuscript/supplemental (Fig 1), correlation heatmap w/ barchart (Fig 2), pairplots (Figs 3 and 7).
- combine OpenKIM property data, analytical results, and grain boundary data. Save combined results for further analysis.
- import and analysis of DFT results and predictions (Fig 6)
- produce GB lattice matching interatomic energy model
- model evaluation using k-fold CV. Factor importance figure for manuscript (Fig 4).
- various helper functions
- helper code to extract property data from OpenKIM database.
- plotting code
- k-fold cross-validation, linear and SVR models (Fig 5)