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Merge pull request #182 from JuliaDynamics/hw/v092updates
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hexaeder authored Nov 20, 2024
2 parents cd31781 + c984e40 commit 5729f30
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Showing 3 changed files with 68 additions and 31 deletions.
94 changes: 65 additions & 29 deletions ext/MTKExt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ using ModelingToolkit: Symbolic, iscall, operation, arguments, build_function
using ModelingToolkit: ModelingToolkit, Equation, ODESystem, Differential
using ModelingToolkit: full_equations, get_variables, structural_simplify, getname, unwrap
using ModelingToolkit: full_parameters, unknowns, independent_variables, observed, defaults
using ModelingToolkit.Symbolics: Symbolics, fixpoint_sub
using ModelingToolkit.Symbolics: Symbolics, fixpoint_sub, substitute
using RecursiveArrayTools: RecursiveArrayTools
using ArgCheck: @argcheck
using LinearAlgebra: Diagonal, I
Expand All @@ -16,18 +16,20 @@ import NetworkDynamics: VertexModel, EdgeModel, AnnotatedSym

VertexModel(sys::ODESystem, inputs, outputs; kwargs...)
VertexModel(sys::ODESystem, inputs, outputs; ff_to_constraint=true, kwargs...)
Create a `VertexModel` object from a given `ODESystem` created with ModelingToolkit.
You need to provide 2 lists of symbolic names (`Symbol` or `Vector{Symbols}`):
- `inputs`: names of variables in you equation representing the aggregated edge states
- `outputs`: names of variables in you equation representing the node output
`ff_to_constraint` controlls, whether output transformations `g` which depend on inputs should be
function VertexModel(sys::ODESystem, inputs, outputs; verbose=false, name=getname(sys), kwargs...)
function VertexModel(sys::ODESystem, inputs, outputs; verbose=false, name=getname(sys), ff_to_constraint=true, kwargs...)
inputs = inputs isa AbstractVector ? inputs : [inputs]
outputs = outputs isa AbstractVector ? outputs : [outputs]
gen = generate_io_function(sys, (inputs,), (outputs,); verbose)
gen = generate_io_function(sys, (inputs,), (outputs,); verbose, ff_to_constraint)

f = gen.f
g = gen.g
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ function VertexModel(sys::ODESystem, inputs, outputs; verbose=false, name=getnam

EdgeModel(sys::ODESystem, srcin, dstin, AntiSymmetric(dstout); kwargs...)
EdgeModel(sys::ODESystem, srcin, dstin, AntiSymmetric(dstout); ff_to_constraint=false, kwargs...)
Create a `EdgeModel` object from a given `ODESystem` created with ModelingToolkit.
Expand All @@ -68,20 +70,26 @@ the symbol vector in
- `AntiSymmetric(dstout)`,
- `Symmetric(dstout)`, or
- `Directed(dstout)`.
`ff_to_constraint` controlls, whether output transformations `g` which depend on inputs should be
transformed into constraints.
EdgeModel(sys::ODESystem, srcin, dstin, dstout; kwargs...) = EdgeModel(sys, srcin, dstin, nothing, dstout; kwargs...)

EdgeModel(sys::ODESystem, srcin, srcout, dstin, dstout; kwargs...)
EdgeModel(sys::ODESystem, srcin, srcout, dstin, dstout; ff_to_constraint=false, kwargs...)
Create a `EdgeModel` object from a given `ODESystem` created with ModelingToolkit.
You need to provide 4 lists of symbolic names (`Symbol` or `Vector{Symbols}`):
- `srcin`: names of variables in you equation representing the node state at the source
- `dstin`: names of variables in you equation representing the node state at the destination
- `srcout`: names of variables in you equation representing the output at the source
- `dstout`: names of variables in you equation representing the output at the destination
`ff_to_constraint` controlls, whether output transformations `g` which depend on inputs should be
transformed into constraints.
function EdgeModel(sys::ODESystem, srcin, dstin, srcout, dstout; verbose=false, name=getname(sys), kwargs...)
function EdgeModel(sys::ODESystem, srcin, dstin, srcout, dstout; verbose=false, name=getname(sys), ff_to_constraint=false, kwargs...)
srcin = srcin isa AbstractVector ? srcin : [srcin]
dstin = dstin isa AbstractVector ? dstin : [dstin]
Expand All @@ -103,7 +111,7 @@ function EdgeModel(sys::ODESystem, srcin, dstin, srcout, dstout; verbose=false,
outs = (srcout, dstout)

gen = generate_io_function(sys, (srcin, dstin), outs; verbose)
gen = generate_io_function(sys, (srcin, dstin), outs; verbose, ff_to_constraint)

f = gen.f
g = singlesided ? gwrap(gen.g; ff=gen.fftype) : gen.g
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,7 +200,8 @@ function _get_metadata(sys, name)

function generate_io_function(_sys, inputss::Tuple, outputss::Tuple;
expression=Val{false}, verbose=false)
expression=Val{false}, verbose=false,
# TODO: scalarize vector symbolics/equations?

# f_* may be given in namepsace version or as symbols, resolve to unnamespaced Symbolic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,21 +249,6 @@ function generate_io_function(_sys, inputss::Tuple, outputss::Tuple;
# end
# generate mass matrix (this might change the equations)
mass_matrix = begin
# equations of form o = f(...) have to be transformed to 0 = f(...) - o
for (i, eq) in enumerate(eqs)
if eq_type(eq)[1] == :explicit_algebraic
eqs[i] = 0 ~ eq.rhs - eq.lhs
verbose && @info "Transformed algebraic eqs" eqs

# create massmatrix, we don't use the method provided by ODESystem because of reordering
mm = generate_massmatrix(eqs)
verbose && @info "Reordered by states and generated mass matrix" mm

# extract observed equations. They might depend on eachother so resolve them
obs_subs = Dict(eq.lhs => eq.rhs for eq in observed(sys))
Expand All @@ -268,22 +262,64 @@ function generate_io_function(_sys, inputss::Tuple, outputss::Tuple;
@warn "obs_deps !⊆ parameters ∪ unknowns. Difference: $(setdiff(obs_deps, Set(allparams) Set(states)))"

# find the output equations, this might remove the mfrom obseqs!
outeqs = map(Iterators.flatten(outputss)) do out
# if some states shadow outputs (out ~ state in observed)
# switch their names. I.e. prioritize use of name `out`
renamings = Dict()
for eq in obseqs
if eq.lhs Set(alloutputs) && iscall(eq.rhs) &&
operation(eq.rhs) isa Symbolics.BasicSymbolic && eq.rhs Set(states)
verbose && @info "Encountered trivial equation $eq. Swap out $(eq.lhs) <=> $(eq.rhs) everywhere."
renamings[eq.lhs] = eq.rhs
renamings[eq.rhs] = eq.lhs
if !isempty(renamings)
eqs = map(eq -> substitute(eq, renamings), eqs)
obseqs = map(eq -> substitute(eq, renamings), obseqs)
states = map(s -> substitute(s, renamings), states)
verbose && @info "New States:" states

# find the output equations, this might remove them from obseqs!
outeqs = Equation[]
for out in Iterators.flatten(outputss)
if out Set(states)
out ~ out
push!(outeqs, out ~ out)
idx = findfirst(eq -> isequal(eq.lhs, out), obseqs)
if isnothing(idx)
throw(ArgumentError("Output $out was neither foundin states nor in observed equations."))
eq = obseqs[idx]
deleteat!(obseqs, idx)

if ff_to_constraint && !isempty(get_variables(eq.rhs) allinputs)
verbose && @info "Output $out would lead to FF in g, promote to state instead."
push!(eqs, 0 ~ eq.lhs - eq.rhs)
push!(states, eq.lhs)
push!(outeqs, eq.lhs ~ eq.lhs)
push!(outeqs, eq)

# generate mass matrix (this might change the equations)
mass_matrix = begin
# equations of form o = f(...) have to be transformed to 0 = f(...) - o
for (i, eq) in enumerate(eqs)
if eq_type(eq)[1] == :explicit_algebraic
eqs[i] = 0 ~ eq.rhs - eq.lhs
verbose && @info "Transformed algebraic eqs" eqs

# create massmatrix, we don't use the method provided by ODESystem because of reordering
mm = generate_massmatrix(eqs)
verbose && @info "Generated mass matrix" mm

iv = only(independent_variables(sys))
out_deps = _all_rhs_symbols(outeqs)
fftype = _determine_fftype(out_deps, states, allinputs, params, iv)
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/component_functions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1145,7 +1145,8 @@ function ff_to_constraint(v::VertexModel)
isnothing(v.obsf) || @warn "Observed function might be broke due to ff_to_constraint conversion."
newsym = vcat(sym(v), outsym(v))
VertexModel(; f=newf, g=newg, sym=newsym, mass_matrix,,
psym=v.psym, obsf=v.obsf, obssym=v.obssym, metadata=v.metadata, symmetadata=v.symmetadata)
psym=v.psym, obsf=v.obsf, obssym=v.obssym, insym=v.insym,
metadata=v.metadata, symmetadata=v.symmetadata)

function _newf(::PureFeedForward, f, g, dim)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/initialization.jl
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Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ function initialization_problem(cf::T; t=NaN, verbose=true) where {T<:ComponentM
# this fills the second half of the du buffer with the fixed and current outputs
dunl_out .= RecursiveArrayTools.ArrayPartition(outbufs...)
# execute fg to fill dunl and outputs
fg(outbufs..., dunl, ubuf, inbufs..., pbuf, t)
fg(outbufs..., dunl_fg, ubuf, inbufs..., pbuf, t)

# calculate the residual for the second half ov the dunl buf, the outputs
dunl_out .= dunl_out .- RecursiveArrayTools.ArrayPartition(outbufs...)
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