This is a minor release over v1.0.2, changes as follows:
- .gitignore preview will now display in real-time, similar to .packwizignore
- Add image/text preview support for .webp, .ini, .cfg and .mcmeta
- Improved filename detection for CurseForge Manual Download
- Added options to show the actual filename for packwiz meta file (.pw.toml)
- Add support for showing GitHub update meta when previewing packwiz meta files.
- More sensible width for tab character
- Add command history to packwiz console (Use Up/Down arrow key)
Note: PW-GUI now requires Java 17 or above to run, you can download them at
For Windows Users, it is recommended to use the .exe wrapper, which can be found below.
Other systems:
Please download the .jar file below.