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Competitive Programming

I used to dabble in competitive programming. This repository contains my C++ solutions to various competitive programming problems from CSES and CodeForces, as well as some useful code snippets. If you are starting out in CP, maybe this can help you out.

CSES Profile

CodeForces Profile

CSES Solutions

Accepted solutions to the CSES Problem Set. Explanations to each solution are written in the code as comments.

Section Solved Solutions
Introductory Problems 19/19 Solutions
Sorting and Searching 28/35 Solutions
Dynamic Programming 17/19 Solutions
Graph Algorithms 17/36 Solutions
Range Queries 0/19
Tree Algorithms 0/16
Mathematics 0/31
String Algorithms 0/17
Geometry 0/7
Advanced Techniques 0/24
Additional Problems 0/77
Total 81/300

CodeForces Favorites

Collection of my favorite CodeForces problems and solutions.

Contest Problem Solution
Educational Round 93 D Colored Rectangles
Educational Round 84 E Count the Blocks
643 (Div. 2) C Count Triangles
628 (Div. 2) D Ehab the Xorcist
813 (Div. 2) D Empty Graph
820 (Div. 3) F Kirei and the Linear Function
635 (Div. 2) C Linova and Kingdom
548 (Div. 2) E Maximum Subsequence Value
Educational Round 88 E Modular Stability
650 (Div. 3) E Necklace Assembly
Educational Round 87 C2 Not So Simple Polygon Embedding
651 (Div. 2) D Odd-Even Subsequence
655 (Div. 2) D Omkar and Circle
638 (Div. 2) D Phoenix and Science
658 (Div. 2) C2 Prefix Flip
624 (Div. 3) D Three Integers
Educational Round 89 D Two Divisors
Educational Round 94 D Zagzags


C++ solutions to some interesting algorithm problems.







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