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dockerfile, environment file, and readme added
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KibromBerihu committed May 26, 2022
1 parent 74b5f7e commit 50ea347
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Showing 4 changed files with 301 additions and 0 deletions.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# base docker image:
# make sure you pulled the docker base image: docker pull continuumio/anaconda3:latest
FROM continuumio/anaconda3

# label the docker image:
LABEL Name="lfbnet"

# setting proxies if your are behind proxy companies:
# refer to:

# define working directory inside the docker image:
WORKDIR /lfbnet

# Create the environment:
COPY environment.yml .
RUN conda env create -f environment.yml

# Make RUN commands use the new environment:
SHELL ["conda", "run", "-n", "myenv", "/bin/bash", "-c"]

# Copy everything in the current directory into the docker image working directory.
# Recommended not to put medical data in the current directory!
COPY . /lfbnet

# Assume requirements.txt was in the current directory, install dependencies that require pip install:
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run the main python code when the container is started:#
ENTRYPOINT ["conda", "run", "--no-capture-output", "-n", "myenv", "python", "/lfbnet/"]
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions environment.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
name: myenv
- districtdatalabs
- simpleitk
- bioconda
- conda-forge/label/cf202003
- intel
- sebp
- anaconda
- conda-forge
- defaults
- keras=2.3.1
- jupyter=1.0.0
- matplotlib=3.3.4
- medpy=0.4.0
- nibabel=3.2.1
- numpy=1.19.2
- opencv=3.3.1
- pandas=1.1.3
- pydicom=1.2.0
- pydot=1.4.1
- python=3.6.13
- scikit-image=0.17.2
- scikit-learn=0.23.2
- scikit-survival=0.14.0
- scipy=1.5.2
- seaborn=0.11.1
- simpleitk=2.0.2
- tensorboard=2.4.0
- tensorflow=2.1.0
- tensorflow-gpu=2.1.0
- tqdm=4.28.1
- xlrd=1.2.0
- zipp=3.4.1
- typing

228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@

## *[20202_5_5] Update: AI4eLIFE: Easing local image feature extraction using AI.*

#### [📑]( 18F-FDG PET maximum intensity projections and artificial intelligence: **a win-win combination to easily measure prognostic biomarkers in DLBCL patients. Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM), 2022.**

Baseline 18F-FDG PET/CT image-driven features have shown predictive values in Diffuse Large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
patients. Notably, total metabolic active tumor volume (TMTV) and tumor dissemination (Dmax) have shown predictive values to
characterize tumor burden and dissemination. However, TMTV and Dmax calculation require tumor volume
delineation over the whole-body 3D 18F-FDG PET/CT images, which is prone to observer-variability and complicates using these quantitative features in clinical routine. In this regard, we hypothesized that tumor burden and spread could
be automatically evaluated from only two PET Maximum Intensity Projections (MIPs) images corresponding to coronal and
sagittal views, thereby easy the calculation and validation of these features.

Here, we developed data-driven AI to calculate surrogate biomarkers for DLBCL patients automatically. Briefly, first, the (3D)
18F-FDG PET images were projected in the coronal and sagittal directions. The projected PET MIP images are then fed to
an AI algorithm to segment lymphoma regions automatically. From the segmented images, the surrogate TMTV (sTMTV) and
surrogate Dmax (sDmax) are calculated and evaluated in terms of predictions for overall survival (OS) and
progression-free survival (PFS).


*Figue 1: Flow diagram of the proposed data-centeric AI to automatically measure prognostic biomarkers.*

Tested on an independent testing cohort (174 patients), the AI yielded a 0.86 median Dice score (IQR: 0.77-0.92), 87.9%
(IQR: 74.9.0%-94.4%) sensitivity, and 99.7% (IQR: 99.4%-99.8%) specificity. The PET MIP AI-driven surrogate biomarkers (sTMTV) and sDmax were highly correlated to the 3D 18F-FDG PET-driven biomarkers
(TMTV and Dmax) in both the training-validation cohort and the independent testing cohort. These PET MIP AI-driven
features can be used to predict the OS and PFS in DLBCL patients, equivalent to the expert-driven 3D features.

***Deep learning Model:***
We adapted the deep learning-based robust medical image segmentation method [LFB-Net](
Please refer to the [paper](
for details and also cite the paper if you use lfbnet for your research.

[comment]: <![img_7.png](img_7.png)>

***Integrated framework:***
The whole pipeline, including the generation of PET MIPs, automatic segmentation, and sTMTV and sDmax calculation, is developed
for a use case on personal/desktop computers or clusters. It could highly facilitate the analysis of PET MIP-based features
leading to the potential translation of these features into clinical practice.

Please refer to the paper for details and also cite the paper if you use LFB-Net for your research.

### Table of contents
- [Summary](#introduction)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [ Required folder structure](#Required-folder-structure)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Easy use: testing mode](#virtual)
- [Transfer learning: development](#transer-learning)
- [Results](#results)
- [Common questions and issues](#common-questions-and-issues)
- [Citations](#Citations)
- [Adapting LFBNet for other configurations or segmentation tasks](#configure-or-other-segmentation)
- [Useful resources](#useful-resources)
- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgments)

## 📁 Required folder structure
Please provide all data in a single directory. The method automatically analyses all given data batch-wise.

To run the program, you only need PET scans (CT is not required) of patients in nifty format, where the PET images are coded in SUV units. If your images have already been segmented, you can also provide the mask (ground truth (GT)) as a binary image in nifty format. Suppose you provided ground truth (GT) data; it will print the dice, sensitivity, and specificity metrics between the reference segmentation by the expert (i.e., GT) and the predicted segmentation by the model. If the ground truth is NOT AVAILABLE, the model will only predict the segmentation.

A typical data directory might look like:

|-- main_folder <-- The main folder or all patient folders (Give it any NAME)

| |-- parent folder (patient_folder_1) <-- Individual patient folder name with unique id
| |-- PET <-- The PET folder for the .nii suv file
| -- name.nii or name.nii.gz <-- The PET image in nifti format (Name can be anything)
| |-- GT <-- The corresponding ground truth folder for the .nii file
| -- name.nii or name.nii.gz <-- The ground truth (GT) image in nifti format (Name can be anything)
| |-- parent folder (patient_folder_2) <-- Individual patient folder name with unique id
| |-- PET <-- The PET folder for the .nii suv file
| -- name.nii or name.nii.gz <-- The PET image in nifti format (Name can be anything)
| |-- GT <-- The corresponding ground truth folder for the .nii file
| -- name.nii or name.nii.gz <-- The ground truth (GT) image in nifti format (Name can be anything)
| .
| .
| .
| |-- parent folder (patient_folder_N) <-- Individual patient folder name with unique id
| |-- PET <-- The PET folder for the .nii suv file
| -- name.nii or name.nii.gz <-- The PET image in nifti format (Name can be anything)
| |-- GT <-- The corresponding ground truth folder for the .nii file
| -- name.nii or name.nii.gz <-- The ground truth (GT) image in nifti format (Name can be anything)

### ⚙️ Installation
Please read the documentations before opening an issue !

<font size='4'> Download/clone code to your local computer </font>

- git clone

- Alternatively:
1. go to >> [Code] >> Download ZIP file.

1) <font size ="4"> To install in virtual environment </font> <br/><br>

1) We recommend you to create virtual environment. please refer to [THIS]( regarding how to create a virtual environment using
conda. <br/><br>
2) Open terminal or Anaconda Prompt <br/><br>
3) Change the working directory to the downloaded and unzipped ai4elife folder <br/><br>
4) Create the virtual environment provided in the requirements.yaml:

`conda env create -f environment.yml`
5) If you choose to use a virtual environment, the virtual environment must be activated before executing any script:

`conda activate myenv`
6) Verify the virtual environment was installed correctly:

`cond info --envs`
<font size='2'> If you can see the virtual environment with name 'myenv', well done, the virtual environment and dependencies are installed successfully. </font>

2) <font size ="4"> Using docker image: building image from dockerfile </font> <br/><br>

1) Assuming you already have [docker desktop]( installed. For more information kindly refer to [THIS](

2) Make sure to change the directory to the downloaded and unzipped ai4elife directory.
3) Run the following commands to create docker container with the name 'ai4elife:v1'

1. `docker build -t ai4elife:v1 .`

### 💻 Usage
This package has two usages.
The first one is to segment tumor regions and then calculate the surrogate biomarkers such as sTMTV and sDmax on the given test dataset using the pre-trained weights, named as "easy use case".
The second use case is transfer learning or retraining from scratch on your own dataset.

### [Easy use: testing mode](#virtual) <br/><br>
Please make sure that you organized your data as in the [Required folder structure](#directory).
1. **Option 1:** Using the virtual environment: <br/><br>
1. Change to the source directory: `ai4elife/src/' <br/><br>
2. Activate the virtual environment: `conda activate myenv` <br/><br>
3. Run: `python`
2. **Option 2:** Using the docker: <br/><br>

`ai4elife.bat /path/to/created_docker_image path/to/input_data path/to/output_data`

### [Transfer learning mode: development](#transerlearning)
To apply transfer learning by using the trained weights or train the deep learning method from scratch,
we recommend following the virtual environment based [installation](#virtual) option.

Run the following commands for activating the virtual enviroment, and then training, validating, and testing of the proposed model on your own dataset.

1. Activate the virtual environment:
`conda activate ai4elife`
2. To [train](#train) the model from a new dataset: <br/><br>

`python --input_dir path/to/training_validation_data --data_id unique_data_name --task train`
3. To [evaluate](#evaluate) on the validation data: <br/><br>
`python --input_dir path/to/validation_data --data_id unique_data_name --task valid`
4. To [predict](#predict) on the testing data: <br/><br>
`python --input_dir path/to/testing_data --data_id unique_data_name --task test`

**Note:** You can also **configure** the deep learning model for ***parameter and architectural search***, please refer to the documentation
[configuration]( Briefly, you can apply different number of features,
kernel size in the convolution, depth of the neural networks and other hyperparameters values. The segmentation
model is designed in easy configurable mode.

### 📈 Results

- Two intermediate folders will be generated.

- The resized and cropped 3D PET and corresponding ground truth Nifti images are saved under the folder name:

```../lfbnet/data/RAW_DATA_FOLDER_NAME_3D```, and

- The generated corresponding sagittal and coronal images are saved in the folder name

- For simplicity, the coronal PET MIP images are named as `PET_1.nii`, and sagittal as `PET_0.nii`, and corresponding
ground truth as `gt_1.nii`, and `gt_0.nii`, respectively.

- NOTE: if there is no ground truth, it will only generate the coronal and sagittal PET MIPs.
Kindly check if these generated files are in order.

- Predicted results including sTMTV and sDmax will be saved into the folder `lfbnet/predicted_data_at_[ids]`
where `ids` is automatically generated the time of prediction in the form of month, year, and time.

- Surrogate biomarkers (sTMTV and sDmax) will be automatically calculated and saved as EXCEL file inside the folder `lfbnet/predicted_data_at_[ids]`

### 🙋 FAQ
Please visit the [FAQ](Documentation/ samples before creating an issue.

### 📖 Citations
Please cite the following paper when using this:

K. B. Girum, L. Rebaud A.S. Cottereau et. al., "18F-FDG PET maximum intensity projections and artificial intelligence: a win-win combination to easily measure prognostic biomarkers in DLBCL patients," in The Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

### 💭 How to configure an extended LFBNet to segment any 2D based medical images
LFBNet is provided as a configurable network for 2D image-based segmentation for both multi-class and single classes.
Please refer to [THIS](%5BDocumentation/ guide.

### 💁️ Useful resources

- The detailed step by step for preprocessing, dataset split into training and validation cohorts and visualization of
results are demonstrated in the jupyter_notebook_step_by_step_illustration.jpeg.

### 🙏 Acknowledgment
We thank you [the reader].

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions requirements.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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