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KOK:on – Frontend

Before you start

At the moment, our IDEs of choice are JetBrains tools, i.e. WebStorm and family. If you plan to do development in some other editor (namely, VS Code, Vim, whatever), please make sure you're able to follow the code formatting etc. in the same way as everybody else.

Configure Git and line endings

git config --local core.autocrlf input

The LF is our line ending of choice. Be sure to set

  1. Go Settings… » Editor » Code Style and select Unix and macOS (\n) as Line separator.

Install Node 16.x

Please use lts/gallium. Install yarn 1.x for this version. Then run


to install project dependencies.

Configure Prettier

  1. Go Settings… » Plugins and search for Prettier plugin. Install it.
  2. Go Settings… » Languages & Frameworks » JavaScript » Prettier.
  3. Choose Prettier plugin path from the dropdown.
  4. Set "Run for files" to {**/*,*}.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,json,css,scss,sass}
  5. Check both On Reformat Code action and On Save checkboxes.
  6. Go Settings… » Languages & Frameworks » TypeScript » TSLint » and select Automatic TSLint configuration.

Install Webstorm plugins

  • OpenAPI specifications
  • i18n support

Add access to Font Awesome Pro icons

npm config set "@fortawesome:registry"
npm config set "//" ????????-????-????-????-????????????

Ask for _authToken value on #frontend channel of the project's Discord.


  1. Assign yourself to the task.
  2. Create a branch (fr-123-some-name) and a pull request against staging when complete.
  3. See a job you can do, but no task? Let's discuss it on Discord #frontend channel.
  4. In commits try not to describe what have you done, but rather why have you done that and what is the outcome / improvement / fix.

Keep these in mind

  1. Favor readability over conciseness of code
  2. No dirty hacks unless absolutely necessary. Discuss them first.
  3. Pass pure strings only to t(). No variables, no constants (unless there's a good reason)

How to run

Configure API path

Create .env.local (have a look at .env file for template). Set up the following

For development purposes you should mock API responses by setting:


Run project

yarn start

Production-like build

Create .env.production.local and set values as suggested by backend team. Then:

yarn build

Cypress Sanity Tests

UI sanity tests are located in cypress/integration directory

How to run

Build the app first and then run the tests:

yarn run cypress

Skipping failing tests

Most of the selectors are text-based and are prone to failure on UI change. If a tests fails due to change in the UI / selectors you can skip it by modifying the *.spec.js file in cypress/integration and adding skip attribute to it().

it.skip('Failing test', () => {})

Run tests locally

In order to run the tests locally you will need to add values for REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENTID, REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET and GOOGLE_REFRESH_TOKEN in your local .env file. Ask for them on #frontend in Slack or obtain them yourself